Gene Therapy is an advance in Call to Power II.
Gene Therapy is the science of eradicating diseases and other human imperfections. Originally designed to repair damaged or imperfect genetic material for the purpose of eliminating the scourge of disease, gene therapy produced unforeseen side effects - mainly, the development of a more evolved, refined and improved human species.
These improvements in human capability give rise to the Empathic Diplomat, a unit that uses heightened intelligence and emotional sensibility to excel at Diplomacy.
Great Library entry[]
Gene Therapy was one of the most revolutionary and amazing applications of genetics in the history of mankind. It involved inserting or sometimes deleting portions of genes in diseased patients, curing their ailments and enabling them to live healthier lives. Initial forays into gene therapy in the late 20th century focused on eliminating relatively simple genetic disorders, such as sickle-cell anemia, that are caused by a single defective gene. But soon, scientists learned that, by adding genes to cells gave them new functions and led to the treatment of more serious, genetically complicated disorders like hereditary heart disease and cancer.
In the mid-21st century, geneticists began to experiment with other applications of gene therapy. Now that they could eradicate hereditary disease and defects, they concentrated their efforts on enhancing human intellectual and emotional capacities. Their research led to the development of methods to genetically predispose human beings to be brilliant, emotionally responsive geniuses. Empaths began to find a role in business and government as superbly skilled diplomats. On October 24, 2095, 150 years to the day after the establishment of the United Nations, an international organization of Empathic Diplomats created the World Peace Center, dedicated to the preservation of peace and the pursuit of global harmony.