Genetic Tailoring is an advance in Civilization: Call to Power.
The sixth Medical Advance, Genetic Tailoring offers the power to create new, custom-ordered life; DNA splicing is as easy as cut-and-paste. It can be used to produce unlimited food in the Beef Vat, or to awe and amaze visitors with the genetic wonders of the Dinosaur Park, which brings in 300% more gold to the Civilization, or it can be used to feed the space bound masses with Food Tanks.
Great Library entry[]
As scientists made great leaps forward in the field of Genetics in the 22nd century, scientists sought the next step: the manipulation of genes to alter the embryo and human life itself. By building genes artificially, scientists and parents could ensure that children had the best possible attributes for life. Based on these experiments, scientists were able to come out with brands of children. The Perky Pat genetic package (outgoing, friendly, and smart) soon became a best seller leading to a generation of cute children and annoying adults.