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The Genome Project is a wonder in Civilization: Call to Power. It becomes obsolete with Alien Archaeology.


Taking advantage of genetic enhancements, the population receives a 10% bonus in production and all units gain 1 hit point due to eugenics.

Great Library entry[]

The Genome Project opened in 1990 with one of the most ambitious scientific goals ever conceived: the complete mapping of human DNA sequences. Accomplishing this goal heralded the Genetic Age. Each human has about 100,000 genes spread across 23 chromosomes. These genes consist of DNA sequences, a compound molecule composed of two of four molecules that are paired together in a linear sequence. Having mapped these sequences, scientists' understanding of human physiology grew, enabling them to separate genetic and environmental diseases and opening the door to powerful genetic therapies.



Genome Project Call to Power

See also[]

Civilization: Call to Power Wonders

The AgencyAI EntityChichen ItzaConfucius AcademyContraceptionDinosaur ParkEast India CompanyThe Eden ProjectEdison's LabEgalitarian ActEmancipation ActESP CenterForbidden CityGaia ControllerGalileo's TelescopeGenome ProjectGlobal E-BankGlobeSatGutenberg's BibleHagia SophiaHollywoodImmunity ChipInternetLabyrinthLondon ExchangeNanite DefuserNanopediaNational ShieldPhilosopher's StoneRamayanaSensoriumSphinxStar LadderStonehengeWormhole Sensor
