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A Geothermal Fissure is a terrain feature in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm.


Geothermal Fissures are often found at the foot of Mountains and Volcanoes, or at land boundaries between continents, and present ideal locations for cities. Campuses built next to them enjoy rich adjacency bonuses, Aqueducts (and the Roman Bath) built next to a Geothermal Fissure provide 1 Amenity Amenity, and with Synthetic Materials, Geothermal Plants can be built on them to provide a city with additional Science Science, Production Production, and clean Power Power. No other districts, wonders, or tile improvements can be built on them.

Only the Hungarians and the Spanish have a starting bias towards Geothermal Fissures. Hungary's Thermal Bath is much stronger than the Zoo it replaces, which can help tremendously with keeping newly conquered cities happy and loyal, although no one really wants to spend Production Production on many Entertainment Complexes and their buildings. Also, thanks to the Pearl of the Danube ability, Hungary can quickly and consistently build high-adjacency Campuses from the moment they research Writing.

On an Earth map, there will always be two Geothermal Fissures near Mount Kilimanjaro. Players who spawn in Africa should attempt to settle near them, especially if Science Science is an important part of their strategy.

Civilopedia entry[]

Places where the Earth's crust is fractured enough to allow heat from deep underground to escape are geothermal vents. These can take the form of natural hot springs, geysers, or smokers which do not rise to the energetic levels of volcanoes. These have attracted people since antiquity, drawn by the unusual geology and the attraction of warm water for bathing and ritual.


Civilization VI Terrains [edit]
Base CoastDesertDesert (Hills)GrasslandGrassland (Hills)HillsLakeMountainsNile River3OceanPlainsPlains (Hills)SnowSnow (Hills)TundraTundra (Hills)
Features Cataract3CliffsFloodplainsDesert FloodplainsGrassland FloodplainsPlains FloodplainsGeothermal Fissure GS-OnlyIceImpact Zone1 2MarshOasisRainforestBurning Rainforest1Burnt Rainforest1Reef R&F-OnlyRiverVolcanic Soil GS-OnlyVolcano GS-OnlyWoodsBurning Woods1Burnt Woods1
Other Barbarian OutpostMeteor Site1Tribal Village
See also ImprovementNatural WonderResource
1 Requires DLC2 Apocalypse mode only • 3 Specific Scenarios only

R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.
