The Giant Death Robot (or GDR) is an Information Era super-unit in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. It requires 1 Uranium to train and 3 Uranium per turn to maintain.
- Attributes:
- Has Sight of 3.
- Can perform melee and ranged attacks.
- Can move through and fight on Coast and Ocean tiles as it would on land.
- Cannot earn experience or Promotions.
- Cannot form Corps or Armies by any means.
- Can only heal in friendly territory.
- -17 Ranged Strength against District defenses and naval units.
- Gains additional abilities and upgrades via Future Era technology research. Each upgrade changes its in-game appearance.
- Drone Air Defense: Anti-Air Defense Strength increased to 130. (Requires Advanced AI.)
- Particle Beam Siege Cannon: Ranged attacks against Cities and Encampments are 100% effective and gain +30 Ranged Strength. (Applies to both melee and ranged attacks and when defending. Requires Advanced Power Cells.)
- Enhanced Mobility: +3 Movement. Can perform a Jump action to cross over mountain terrain. (Requires Cybernetics.)
- Reinforced Armor Plating: +10 Combat Strength when defending against land and naval units. (Requires Smart Materials.)
The Giant Death Robot is the end-game tool of destruction for the Domination Victory seeker. It is titanically strong, attacks from afar and can even move through water without embarking. Despite its great size, it can also pass through Mountain Tunnels and Qhapaq Ñan.
Unlike every other military unit in the game, the Giant Death Robot does not gain Promotions, but instead gains bonuses and boosts through specific technologies in the tech tree. These include Movement and strength bonuses, the ability to jump over Mountains, and a bombard-equivalent ranged attack for sieges. When it comes to controls, GDRs function similarly to the Persians' Immortals in that they are capable of both ranged and melee attacks, so make sure you click the ranged attack command instead of right-clicking when you want to bombard a city.
However, the Giant Death Robot is not a one-man army. For example, a Modern Armor Army will have a Combat Strength of 112 (which is pretty close to the GDR's), while the GDR itself cannot form Corps and Armies. After the update of air units, Jet Fighters have a Ranged Strength of 110, which will make for decent damage against the GDR (especially without the Drone Air Defense upgrade). As in Civilization V, a focused attack by several units will be able to bring down this robot, so don't expect it to defeat everything on its own.
The Giant Death Robot counts as neither a land unit nor a naval unit, which means it will never have to embark/disembark (and thus will not receive extra Movement from Mathematics or the Great Lighthouse), exerts zone of control on both land and water tiles, and is unaffected by all Great Generals and Great Admirals (but is still affected by Supply Convoys). That also means this unit can never be purchased with Faith (either with the Grand Master's Chapel or Gitarja's leader ability), though it still takes reduced damage from siege and bomber units.
The Giant Death Robot is the only unit that can survive a nuclear strike. A Nuclear Device or Thermonuclear Device does 50 damage to it, but it is immune to damage from fallout.
As powerful as the Giant Death Robot is, building one is both time-consuming and resource-intensive. Its Production cost will take most cities 15+ turns to finish, though slotting Integrated Attack Logistics will expedite this. Buying one will cost 6000 Gold, a sum that may take many turns to amass. 3 Uranium per turn for maintenance is also quite a lot.
With the Golden Age version of Automaton Warfare (introduced in the June 2019 Update), it is possible to receive a free Giant Death Robot in your Capital.
Civilopedia entry[]
Almost no one calls them Gunnery Deployment Rigs, because pop culture anticipated the rise of the bipedal combat platform for more than fifty years prior to the first operational deployment of a GDR, and has given them dozens of evocative names: Mechs, walkers, Giant Death Robots, and so forth. There is something psychologically affecting about seeing one stride across the landscape—reassuring for friendly forces, and terrifying for enemies. There is a certain purity to the GDR, a recapitulation of the human form, as well as an improvement on it.
The GDR is not a stealthy weapon, but it is an effective one. The use of a roughly-human anatomy allows pilots a more intuitive grasp of the weapon and defensive systems, and allows motion feedback systems to tap into human locomotion to assist. Indeed, some people regard the locomotion controls of the GDR to be the most impressive advancement in the entire system.
- This incarnation of the GDR was initially called the Gun Deployment Rig.
- In the livestream that introduced this new incarnation of the GDR, one of the developers stated that they intend for the Giant Death Robot in Civilization VI to be, in effect, a wonder in the form of a military unit.
- Also in the same livestream, it was revealed that a number of other new units planned for the Future Era had been deferred in order to concentrate on development of the GDR and its upgrades.
- The Gundam has been credited as one of the influences on the design of the new GDR. Others include Neon Genesis Evangelion and Pacific Rim.
- The new GDR originally came about as a result of discussions on a potential Future Era unit that could merge the light and heavy cavalry lines in the unit tech tree.
Related achievements[]
When Diplomacy Fails
Have a fully upgraded Giant Death Robot capture a city.
The accursed share
Use a max-promotions Soothsayer to sacrifice a max-promotions GDR
See also[]
- Giant Death Robot in other games