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 "Totus mundus agit histrionem."
– Inscription above main entrance to the Globe Theatre
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Game Info

  • 1 free Great Writer appears near the city where the wonder was built.
  • Contains 2 slots for Great Works of Writing which provide +2 theming bonus, if you fill the slots with Great Works of Writing from the same civilization and the same era. 


One of the first Tourism Tourism Tourism-oriented Wonders, the Globe Theatre offers 2 slots for Great Works of Writing with a nice and usually easily achievable Theming Bonus. Just have 1 Great Writer ready, and when you get the free Writer from completing the Wonder you can instantly activate the bonus.

Alternatively, you can grab Leaning Tower of Pisa (unlocked with the same technology) and choose a free Great Engineer to finish this wonder nearly immediately, grabbing two wonders for the price of one.

Historical Info

Built in 1599 AD on Maiden Lane in London by the Lord Chamberlain's Men, the theatrical company of which William Shakespeare was a shareholder, the Globe Theatre incorporated a number of design innovations. In 1613 the Globe burned to the ground after the thatched roof was set alight by cannonfire during a production of Henry VIII; it was rebuilt on the same site in 1614 and continued in operation until closed by the Puritans in 1642. Although its exact dimensions are unrecorded, it is known that the Globe Theatre was a three-story, circular, open-air amphitheater roughly 30 meters (100 feet) in diameter and able to seat about 300 spectators. The stage was 13 meters (43 feet) wide, 8 meters (27 feet) deep and raised five feet off the ground, allowing for trap doors.


  • The first Globe Theatre was destroyed by fire on 29 June 1613. A second Globe Theatre was built on the same site by June 1614 and closed in 1642.
  • A modern reconstruction of the Globe, named "Shakespeare's Globe," opened in 1997 approximately 750 feet (230 m) from the site of the original theatre.
  • The Latin inscription translates to "All the world's a stage."

