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Quote: Totus mundus agit histrionem

-Inscription above main entrance to the Globe Theatre

This Theatre or Theater (american Spelling) was built in the early 1600s in London around the same time that the

Dutch had were building their big wonder project which was East India company. The Globe Theatre was part of English Civilization becasue it was built before the Union of England and Scotland in 1707. the Globe theater was destroyed by the great london Fire of 1667 so it never got a chance to also become Part of British Civilization as well. but it is part of British history none the less. it was a wonderful Theatre in its day and you could go there and see a Actor and his fellow Actors perform for only one penny. this was a much bigger some of money then today and was about a days wage for a poor person. The most Famous Actor that worked out of this Theatre was William Shakespere. one interesting thing to note is that there was no such thing as actresses there were no women actors in thos days and the men had to play the womens parts too. The Globe Theatre greatly incresses Happiness and also Gives Culture to your Civilization.

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