Civilization Wiki
Gold (Col)

Gold is the currency of Sid Meier's Colonization. It is marked by a generic round currency symbol (¤). Every 1000¤ is worth 1 point on your Colonization score.

Gold is acquired by selling goods in trade, from lost city rumors, as gifts from friendly Indian tribes, as loot from captured colonies and destroyed Indian settlements, and by cheating.

The purchasing power of one gold varies over the course of the game. Some items have a constant expense (ships, experts, hammers); others increase incrementally as the game progresses (immigrants, artillery); while goods vary according to the amount that have been bought and sold in Europe and from custom houses. Generally, over the course of a game, raw materials and most manufactured items decrease in expense as they are sold while tools, trade goods, and muskets all become increasingly expensive during the midgame as the AI buys them up.

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