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Game Info[]

A Great Person, specialized in trade.

  • Actions:
    • Construct a Customs House (Great tile improvement)
    • Conduct Trade Mission (When in a city-state, can produce a large amount of Gold Gold and 30 Influence (Civ5) Influence.)

The unit is expended after performing either of these actions.


Besides constructing the special Customs House improvement which, when worked, produces loads of Gold Gold, the Great Merchant can also journey to a city-state and perform a Trade Mission, which produces gobs of Gold Gold and gains 30 points of Influence (Civ5) Influence with the city-state. The Great Merchant is expended when used in either of these ways.

In order to use Trade Mission, you need to enter the target city-state's territory with the Merchant.

Again, you have the choice to use it for a long-term boost of the Gold Gold production in one city (which you should choose carefully), or use its unique ability to get a large one-time boost of Gold Gold and Influence (Civ5) Influence with a city-state. Note that the trade mission may sometimes prove dangerous, especially if the city-state is far away.


The Gold Gold gained from performing a Trade Mission is calculated with the formula

350 + (50 * era_number)

where era_number is a simple serial number starting with 0 for the Ancient Era. In addition, game speed also affects this number; Quick games modify this value by 0.67, Epic by 1.5, and Marathon by 3.

With Brave New World the formula changes to

300 + (100 * era_number)

In vanilla Civilization V and Gods & Kings, completing the Commerce policy tree doubles the Gold Gold income from Trade Missions. With Brave New World, simply adopting the Entrepreneurship policy from the Commerce tree suffices.

Civilopedia entry[]

"Great Merchants" provide the goods and services civilizations need to survive. They import food, medicines, and luxuries, and they export a civilization's manufactured goods. They provide the financing needed for great works to be accomplished. They create a civilization's wealth.

See also[]

Civilization V Great People [edit]
Great Admiral GodsKings5 clear Great Artist Great Engineer Great General (Khan1 Scourge of God2) Great Merchant (Merchant of Venice BNW-only) Great Musician BNW-only Great Prophet GodsKings5 clear Great Scientist Great Writer BNW-only
1 Requires a DLC 2 Fall of Rome scenario only
GodsKings5 clear Added in the Gods & Kings expansion pack.
BNW-only Added in the Brave New World expansion pack.