Harold Godwinson, also known as Harold II, is an Anglo-Saxon English leader in the Civilization games.
Civilization III
- The main article has not been created for (or Harold Godwinson is not part of) Civilization III
Harold Godwinson (called "Harold the Saxon" in the game) is an English Military Leader in The Middle Ages scenario.
Civilization V
Harold Godwinson leads the Anglo-Saxon English in the 1066: Year of Viking Destiny scenario.
Other games
Harold Godwinson is not present in (or the article has not been created for) the following games :
Game | Article |
Civilization VII | Harold Godwinson (Civ7) |
Civilization Revolution | Harold Godwinson (CivRev) |
Civilization Revolution 2 | Harold Godwinson (CivRev2) |
CivWorld | Harold Godwinson (CivWorld) |
Freeciv | Harold Godwinson (Freeciv) |
Civilization: Call to Power | Harold Godwinson (CTP1) |
Call to Power II | Harold Godwinson (CTP2) |
C-evo | Harold Godwinson (C-evo) |
FreeCol | Harold Godwinson (FreeCol) |
Not in the following games
It has been confirmed that Harold Godwinson is not present in the following games :
Game |
Civilization |
Civilization II |
Civilization IV |
Civilization VI |
Civilization: Beyond Earth |
Sid Meier's Colonization |
Civilization IV: Colonization |
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri |
Starships |