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Heroes & Legends (Civ6)

Heroes & Legends game mode icon

Heroes & Legends is the fifth game mode in Civilization VI, introduced in the Babylon Pack. It includes twelve unique Hero units from the world's myths and legends, each with their own special abilities, which can be discovered by diplomacy and exploration.


The twelve Heroes are based on mythological heroes from various cultures, such as King Arthur and Sun Wukong. These Heroes can be discovered during standard gameplay, as well as via the special Heroic Tales city project. Each Hero can only be claimed by one civilization, but one civilization can own multiple Heroes. Though Heroes only last for a set number of turns (referred to as their Lifespan (Civ6) Lifespan), they have quite extraordinary special abilities and are often mighty warriors. Besides that, they leave behind Heroic Relic Heroic Relics which continue providing benefits to their home civilization throughout the game.

Later, Heroes can be called upon in times of great need using Faith Faith in their home city. Recalling Heroes refreshes their Lifespan (Civ6) Lifespan and charges, but the Faith Faith cost increases with each appearance, and each Hero can only be recalled once per era.


Discovery of Heroes[]

Hero discovery popup (Civ6)

Hero discovery popup

Before you can attract Heroes, you have to first discover their existence. Besides running the Heroic Tales project, you can discover a new Hero by doing any of the following:

Many Heroes can be discovered by sending Envoy Envoys to the same city-state. However, the Envoy Envoy that helps you become the Suzerain will not discover two Heroes simultaneously.

Heroes can also be discovered by encountering them with one of your units. In this case, it is considered already claimed by the civilization that owns it, but that also means you now have one less Hero that you don't know about!

Summoning and using Heroes[]

The process of getting a Hero (referred to as "summoning") is quite different from attracting Great Person Great People, and is much simpler. When Heroes are discovered, every city with a Monument can run a special Devotion project dedicated to this Hero - when the project finishes, the respective Hero will appear in this city. The very first Devotion project you run is cheap (costing 20 Production Production on Standard speed), while subsequent Devotion projects are quite a bit more expensive. One civilization can claim many Heroes, but each city can claim only one Hero - a city which is already home to a Hero cannot summon any others. The relevant projects in this city won't appear anymore, because the citizens there have already given their spiritual allegiance. Once a Hero is claimed, they will consider the city that summons them their home.

When a Hero dies or their Lifespan (Civ6) Lifespan expires, they will leave behind a Heroic Relic Heroic Relic, which will be displayed in the city's Monument. They will also leave another hidden symbolic object (which also counts as a Heroic Relic Heroic Relic), which will remain buried in the tile where they die until it is excavated by an Archaeologist. After that, this Relic will also be displayed in their home city, if there is still free space in the Monument. That's why you should always remember the spot where the Hero dies the first time, and put a map pin on it so you can excavate it later. You can excavate Heroic Relic Heroic Relics of Heroes belonging to other civilizations as long as there are enough Heroic Relic Heroic Relic slots in the Monuments. Archaeologists will not consume a charge when digging up Heroic Relic Heroic Relics. Only when a city completes a Devotion project to a Hero will the Monument of that city gain the two Heroic Relic Heroic Relic slots. Each Heroic Relic Heroic Relic grants 2 Culture Culture, 2 Faith Faith and 6 Tourism Tourism.

Just like wonders, Heroes are unique - each Hero can only belong to one civilization, and if another civilization claims a Hero first while you are running the corresponding Devotion project, you will be refunded only a fraction of the Production Production cost.

Once summoned, Heroes will not change their affiliation. They have to be recalled by the same civilization within their home city. If the ownership of the home city changes, the Hero will still survive until they expire or die, but the Hero cannot be recalled until the city returns to its original owner. If the home city is razed, the Hero is dead forever. A Hero can only be recalled once per era, at the cost of Faith Faith. When recalled, Heroes will have all their Action charges (Civ6) Charges and Lifespan (Civ6) Lifespan fully restored. Unlike other units that have to be purchased with Faith Faith, Heroes can move, use their abilities, or attack in the same turn they are summoned or recalled.

All Heroes belong to a specific unit class - Anansi is a ranged unit, Mulan is a ranged cavalry unit, Hercules is a melee unit, and so on - and they will function just like a normal unit of that classification. (The only exception is Himiko, who is classified as a civilian unit but functions more like a Great Person Great Person, since she cannot be captured like Builders and Settlers.) However, the Hero classification does give them several advantages over normal military units, apart from superior Strength Combat Strength or Ranged Strength Ranged Strength:

  • They retain their full Strength Combat Strength when embarked.
  • They can instantly travel from City Center to City Center, like Great Person Great People.
  • They cannot change their affiliation, so abilities that allow units to be captured are ineffective against them (i.e., Genghis Khan cannot capture Mulan and Arthur when he kills them, the English Sea Dog cannot capture Sinbad, and Hunahpu & Xbalanque cannot resurrect other players' dead Heroes).
  • They add 1 Loyalty to all cities within 2 tiles at the end of every turn (including hostile cities and Free Cities).

Heroes' abilities[]

Except for Himiko, all Heroes are military units with combat statistics that scale according to era, but are always slightly higher than other units' that belong to the same era. This gives them an edge against all current units, but it does not make them immortal! Keep in mind that since all Heroes have a limited Lifespan (Civ6) Lifespan, and their combat statistics will depend only on the era they are summoned/recalled (i.e., those statistics will not be adjusted when the era changes), it is a good idea to refrain from summoning them at the end of an era.

Most Heroes have a special ability that allows them to ignore Movement Movement penalties in some (or all) types of terrain. They also have increased Movement Movement compared to other units.

Besides basic combat abilities, almost all Heroes also have active abilities which they can use only once per turn. Some abilities are limited by the number of Action charges (Civ6) charges, but some can be used by the Hero every turn until they die. For example, while Maui may create brand new resources a maximum of 4 times per Lifespan (Civ6) Lifespan, Hippolyta can activate her ability without the Action charges (Civ6) charge restriction! Note that special actions may be used only while the Hero has charges remaining; however, they will not disappear after expending their last one. A Hero unit disappears only when killed in battle, or when their Lifespan (Civ6) Lifespan is exhausted.

Base-game mechanics changed[]

  • Gilgamesh gains a new leader ability granting a Production Production increase towards claiming Heroes and a buff to their Lifespan (Civ6) Lifespan.
  • The Shrine grants Heroes summoned in cities with it 10% more Lifespan (Civ6) Lifespan.
  • The Temple and its replacements grant their owner a 15% discount on purchasing Heroes with Faith Faith.
  • The Hanging Gardens grants all Heroes belonging to its owner 10% more Lifespan (Civ6) Lifespan.
  • The Oracle grants its owner a 15% discount on purchasing Heroes with Faith Faith.


This mode has two basic layers which affect gameplay.

The first is the access to superunits right from the start of the game - exceptionally strong which can almost singlehandedly defeat Barbarian raids, clear their outposts and even engage other civilizations! Considering how easy it is to get your first Hero, it isn't uncommon to have it within the first 30-40 turns. All you need is a Monument, a couple of turns, and luck to discover a Hero which fits your gameplay style sufficiently. Of course, if you decide to go after a civilization you should be aware of the risk of their having claimed a Hero as well - you will then have lost the extra military edge.

The second layer is the Heroes' special abilities. These vary wildly, with some abilities which are truly game changers. Among these are Maui's ability to create resources out of nothing, Anansi's ability to consume resources for huge amounts of Science Science and Culture Culture, and Hercules' ability to instantly finish District Districts. Needless to say, if you have the instincts to use such abilities correctly you will gain a significant edge over your competition in the early and middle game. Note that many of these abilities lose their power in the late game - Maui, for example, will have a hard time finding unclaimed tiles on which he can activate his ability. So, it all comes to using Heroes the right way, at the right moment. Which means that, if you intend to use this mode, the very first thing you should do is get familiar with most Heroes' special abilities and try to devise strategies that include them.

The Heroic Relic Heroic Relics can also be immensely useful, especially if you have few other sources of Great Works.


Heroes increase the Loyalty of foreign cities. In a realistic scenario, the presence of an enemy Hero should demoralize a foreign city, not bolster its loyalty.


Hero's name Folklore origin Moves Action charges (Civ6) Lifespan (Civ6) Abilities Unit class
Ghana 3 6 30 Ranged (1 Range Range)
Britain 5 4 30
  • Arthur's Accolade: Target an adjacent land military unit you control. Arthur transforms the unit into a Questing Knight: a unique heavy cavalry unit with increased Strength Combat Strength and 12 Lifespan (Civ6) Lifespan. Costs 1 Action charges (Civ6) Charge and 1 Movement Movement.
Heavy cavalry
Britain / Scandinavia 3 6 30
  • Rugged: Ignores Movement Movement penalties in Hills terrain.
  • Beowulf's Challenge: Target an adjacent enemy unit with Strength Combat Strength less than Beowulf's. Beowulf immediately destroys the target. Costs 1 Action charges (Civ6) Charge and 1 Movement Movement.
Greece / Rome 3 6 30 Melee
Japan 4 8 40
  • Inspiring: +5 Strength Combat Strength to all units within 2 tiles.
  • Swift: Ignores all terrain Movement Movement penalties.
  • Himiko's Charm: Target any adjacent city-state. Himiko immediately places 1 free Envoy Envoy in the city-state. If you are already the Suzerain there, Himiko also earns Faith Faith. Costs 1 Action charges (Civ6) Charge and all Movement Movement.
  • Himiko's Rule: If you are its Suzerain, levy the troops of the city-state with no Gold Gold cost. Costs 1 Action charges (Civ6) Charge and all Movement Movement.
Greece 3 N/A 30
  • Rugged: Ignores Movement Movement penalties in Hills terrain.
  • Hippolyta's Favor: Hippolyta automatically heals 20 HP each turn.
  • Hippolyta's Command: Target any adjacent friendly unit that has moved or attacked this turn. Hippolyta immediately restores the unit's moves and attacks. Usable once per turn.
Hunahpu & Xbalanque
Hunahpu & Xbalanque
Maya 3 N/A 30
  • Agile: Ignores Movement Movement penalties in Woods and Rainforest terrain.
  • The Twins' Resurrection: Any ordinary land unit killed by Hunahpu & Xbalanque is resurrected under your control with full HP and movement.
Polynesia 3 4 30 Melee
China 5 N/A 30
  • Mulan's Devotion: Mulan gains 1 Strength Combat Strength every turn.
  • Mulan's Defiance: Mulan fully fortifies automatically at the end of every turn.
Ranged cavalry (2 Range Range)
Nigeria 3 6 30
  • Swift: Ignores all terrain Movement Movement penalties.
  • Oya's Storm: Oya damages all adjacent enemies and heals all adjacent owned units by 40. Costs 1 Action charges (Civ6) Charge and all Movement Movement.
Arabia 7 8 30
  • Navigator: Can enter Ocean tiles.
  • Sinbad's Journeys: Sinbad earns 400 Gold Gold whenever he discovers a Continent or Natural Wonder.
  • Sinbad's Fortunes: Target any adjacent enemy naval unit or Barbarian Camp. The target is either cleared or damaged by 50%, and Sinbad immediately earns Gold Gold. Costs 1 Action charges (Civ6) Charge and all Movement Movement.
Naval melee
Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
China 6 N/A 50
  • Swift: Ignores all terrain Movement Movement penalties.
  • Sun Wukong's Disguise: Sun Wukong is hidden unless adjacent to an enemy unit.
  • Sun Wukong's Immortality: Sun Wukong has significantly increased Lifespan (Civ6) Lifespan.


  • Armor of Mulan (Civ6) Armor of Mulan
  • Chalice of Arthur (Civ6) Chalice of Arthur
  • Club of Hercules (Civ6) Club of Hercules
  • Compass of Sinbad (Civ6) Compass of Sinbad
  • Crown of Himiko (Civ6) Crown of Himiko
  • Drums of Anansi (Civ6) Drums of Anansi
  • Epic Hero Relic (Civ6) Epic Hero Relic
  • Girdle of Hippolyta (Civ6) Girdle of Hippolyta
  • Knife of Oya (Civ6) Knife of Oya
  • Mantles of the Hero Twins (Civ6) Mantles of the Hero Twins
  • Staff of Sun Wukong (Civ6) Staff of Sun Wukong
  • Sword of Beowulf (Civ6) Sword of Beowulf
  • Torch of Maui (Civ6) Torch of Maui

Related achievements[]

Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Kill an enemy Hero with your Hero.
The title of a famous 1981 film based on the life of Perseus, and a pun on two Titans (the Heroes) fighting one another.
Sing, O Muse
Sing, O Muse
Claim every Hero across multiple games.
The first part of a quote by Homer describing the great hero Achilles, which is the opening line to the Iliad.
Steel-Driving Man
Steel-Driving Man
Recall a Hero after the Industrial Era.
A title ascribed to John Henry, an American folk hero.
The Brave Live Forever
The Brave Live Forever
Recall a Hero 5 times in a single game.
A paraphrased quote from The 13th Warrior, a film based on the legend of Beowulf.
The Dream Team
The Dream Team
Claim 5 Heroes in a single game.
A nickname for the 1992 US Olympic men's basketball team.
Civilization VI Game modes [edit]
Apocalypse1Barbarian ClansDramatic Ages1Heroes & Legends1Monopolies and Corporations1Secret Societies1Tech and Civic ShuffleZombie Defense1
1 Requires DLC