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Hindu Dharma is the Indonesian religion from the Path to Nirvana scenario in Civilization VI. It consists of the following beliefs:

Civilopedia entry[]

Dharma was a concept present in traditional Vedic religion, and evolved over time until, in Hinduism, it became the organizing principle of humanity. It consists of rules and customs governing behavior, rituals, laws, and ethics in society. Conforming to dharma means to pursue one's true purpose in life.


See also[]

Civilization VI Religion [edit]
Default Religions BuddhismCatholicismConfucianismEastern OrthodoxyHindu Dharma1HinduismIslam (Path to Nirvana Islam1) • JudaismMahayana Buddhism1ProtestantismShaivism1ShintoSikhismTaoism (Path to Nirvana Taoism1) • Theravada Buddhism1Vajrayana Buddhism1Zoroastrianism
Pantheons City Patron GoddessDance of the AuroraDesert FolkloreDivine SparkEarth GoddessFertility RitesFire Goddess GS-OnlyGod of Creation (Atum)1God of CraftsmenGod of HealingGod of the ForgeGod of the Open SkyGod of the SeaGod of the Thunderclap1God of WarGod of Watery Abyss (Nun)1Goddess of FestivalsGoddess of the HarvestGoddess of the HuntInitiation RitesLady of the Reeds and MarshesMonument to the GodsOdin1Oral TraditionReligious IdolsRiver GoddessReligious SettlementsSacred PathStone Circles
See also Beliefs
1 Specific scenarios only
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.