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The Holy Site is a district in Civilization VI, dedicated to religious pursuits. Requires Astrology technology.


The following buildings can be constructed in a Holy Site:


  • Holy Site Prayers: Earns Faith Faith Faith and Great Prophet points equal to 15% production used


The Holy Site is one of the first Districts available, along with the Campus. It is indespensable if you intend to found a Religion! The Holy Site is the only early game source of Great ProphetGreat Prophet Points (along with the Revelation Policy), which you need to earn a Great Prophet. Next, a Religion can only be Founded in a Holy Site! The alternative way to Found a Religion - building the Stonehenge Wonder may not be viable in most cases, as it requires the availability of Stone.

But the Holy Site remains important throughout the game. First, it is a major source of Faith FaithFaith; second, it is the place where you built the Special Religious buildings from Worship Beliefs; third, it is the place where you can Purchase your Religious Units. And it also provides bonuses during Theological combat for these units. And it also Heals them! All of which means that any player who considers using Religion in the game should build Holy Site Districts.

The best place for this District is right next to Natural Wonders. Come on, you can sacrifice a single tile with bonus yields for a Holy Site! Next best place is between Mountains, or in the middle of Forests. In the late game you even have the option to Plant Forests with your Builders to provide additional bonuses to your Holy Sites. If you intend to use this, however, remember to leave some freee space for the Forests.
