| |
A/D | 2/1 |
Moves | 2 |
Cost | 20 |
Upgrades to | Knight |
Required technologies | |
Required resources |
N/A |
Other attributes |
N/A |
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Horsemen units are available in the early ages of Civilization Revolution. They require the Horseback Riding technology, but are still very easily accessible, sometimes as the reward for the capture of a Barbarian village before Horseback Riding has been researched.
Unit Analysis[]
This unit is more mobile and has a greater attack than many other types in the very early stages of the game. It can gallop 2 spaces per turn (whereas most Warriors can only move one), and has an attack of 2, not equaled until the advent of Legions. Like Legions, its defense is only 1.
Upgrades earned by multiple victories include veteran (if not built in a city with a Barracks), Blitz, Guerrilla, Medic, Infiltration, March, and Scout.
Unique Replacements[]
Mongolian Horsemen are replaced by the Keshik. Compared to the regular Horsemen, it has +1 movement from the Mongols' Medieval Era bonus.
Russian Horsemen are replaced by the Cossack. It is the same as the regular Horsemen.
See also[]
- Horsemen in other games