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Ice is a terrain feature in Civilization VI. It is found on Coast and Ocean tiles near the extreme north and south boundaries of the map.

  • Yields:
    • Nothing, cannot be worked
  • Movement needed:
    • Impassable
  • Additional features:

Ice is (mostly) an unusable terrain. It contains no resources or other features of any kind. District Districts and wonders cannot be placed on Ice tiles.


Ice tiles usually make the polar regions impassible, restricting movement. Many times they form a solid barrier which connects with land and makes it impossible to circumnavigate continents. However, sometimes icebergs are distributed among the solid ice in such a way as to form canals and allow naval and embarked units to pass through. So, don't give up completely on trying to find a path until you hit a solid wall! You may need to wait until you've researched Cartography before trying, though, because many times the canals are formed by both Coast and Ocean tiles.

Note that, unlike in Civilization V, Submarines and Nuclear Submarines cannot enter Ice tiles, so they're no longer able to hide under the ice to evade pursuit.

In Gathering Storm, Ice isn't entirely useless - with the Marae and Forestry Management, it can provide Tourism Tourism, Gold Gold, and Appeal. Additionally, up to 85% of the Ice on the map can melt as the world's climate changes.

Civilopedia entry[]

Ice is impassable to ships (more than a few have come to grief, just ask the crew of the Titanic), and not much fun for other travelers. Except maybe the polar bears.


See also[]

  • Ice in other games
Civilization VI Terrains [edit]
Base CoastDesertDesert (Hills)GrasslandGrassland (Hills)HillsLakeMountainsNile River3OceanPlainsPlains (Hills)SnowSnow (Hills)TundraTundra (Hills)
Features Cataract3CliffsFloodplainsDesert FloodplainsGrassland FloodplainsPlains FloodplainsGeothermal Fissure GS-OnlyIceImpact Zone1 2MarshOasisRainforestBurning Rainforest1Burnt Rainforest1Reef R&F-OnlyRiverVolcanic Soil GS-OnlyVolcano GS-OnlyWoodsBurning Woods1Burnt Woods1
Other Barbarian OutpostMeteor Site1Tribal Village
See also ImprovementNatural WonderResource
1 Requires DLC2 Apocalypse mode only • 3 Specific Scenarios only

R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.
