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The Ikanda is a unique district of the Zulu civilization in Civilization VI: Rise and Fall. It replaces the Encampment.

  • Effects:
    • Lower Production Production cost (27 vs. 54).
    • +1 Great General Great General point per turn.
    • +1 Housing Housing Housing
    • Acquires Walls and Ranged Strike along with the City Center.
    • Spawns all Land Military Units the city builds.
    • Gives its parent city the ability to build Land Units with only 1 count of the relative Strategic resource
    • Provides XP bonus to units built in it once Buildings have been added to the District
    • Specialists provide +1 Production Production and Culture Culture each
    • 25% faster training of Corps and Armies
    • Allows Corps and Armies to be built outright


The following buildings can be constructed in an Ikanda:



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Civilopedia entry

The ikanda (also known as a “kraal” or “umuzi”) were self-sufficient, fortified Zulu homesteads. A double palisade protected its residents—the inner wall kept livestock in and the outer wall kept interlopers out. Ikanda were ideally placed uphill for reasons both practical and strategic: rainwater flowed downhill to clean the ikanda, while opponents were forced to attack an elevated position.

Shaka’s revolutionary changes to the military capitalized on the traditional Zulu age-grade system. Young men of the same age lived, trained, and fought together in regiments, relying on the ikanda’s bounty to provide their food, arms, and armor.

