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Incubation Center is a city improvement in Civilization: Call to Power.


The Incubation Center raises a city's production by 25%, freeing its women from the burden of childbirth.

Great Library entry[]

In the womb, an embryo is exposed to numerous hormones and nutrients that determined the health and viability of the embryo. The mix of these chemicals and even the temperature of the womb are determined by the host's DNA. In the late 20th century when cloning became not just a science but an industry, scientists recognized this symbiosis, developing sophisticated mechanized wombs to "hurture" a clone through gestation.

Civilization: Call to Power Buildings
Academy Airport Aqua-Filter Aqueduct Arcologies Bank Beef Vat Bio Memory Chip Body Exchange Capitol Cathedral City Clock City Wall Coliseum Computer Center Courthouse Drug Store Eco-Transit Factory Forcefield Fusion Plant Granary Hospital House of Freezing Incubation Center Marketplace Micro Defense Mill Mind Controller Movie Palace Nanite Factory Nuclear Plant Oil Refinery Publishing House Rail Launcher Recycling Plant Robotic Plant SDI Security Monitor Television Temple Theater University