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The Industrial Zone is a district in Civilization VI, dedicated to production and industry. It requires Apprenticeship.

  • Effects:
    • Standard bonus (+1 Production Production) for each adjacent Mine or a Quarry.
    • Minor bonus (+½ Production Production) for each adjacent district tile.
    • +1 Great Engineer Great Engineer point per turn.
    • Lowers the Appeal of nearby tiles.
    • Effect of some Buildings (Factory, Power Plant) extends to other cities whose City Centers are within 6 tiles of the Zone, but effects of multiple factories or power plants do not stack.
    • Specialists provide +2 Production Production each
  • GS-Only Effects:
    • Major bonus (+2 Production Production) for each adjacent Aqueduct, Dam, Canal or Bath.
    • Standard bonus (+1 Production Production) for each adjacent Strategic Resource and Quarry.
    • Minor bonus (+½ Production Production) for each adjacent district tile, Mine or Lumber Mill.
    • +1 Great Engineer Great Engineer point per turn.
    • Lowers the Appeal of nearby tiles.
    • Effect of some Buildings (Factory, Power Plant) extends to other cities whose City Centers are within 6 tiles of the Zone, but effects of multiple factories or power plants do not stack.
    • Specialists provide +2 Production Production each


The following buildings can be constructed in an Industrial Zone:



The Industrial Zone is one of the most important districts, maybe even the most important one. Its adjacency bonus is easy to activate (there are tons of opportunities to build Mines and Quarries in the game), and is an important source of Production Production early to mid game. And Production Production is the most important resource in Civilization VI. As with previous installments, Production Production is the basis for war potential, for city development, for wonder building and for space race -- just about everything. In Civilization VI, Production Production is even more important because city size is limited by Housing Housing Housing in early to mid game and as a result the importance of Food Food is greatly reduced compared to Civilization V.

Adjacency Bonus

Due to the prevalence of adjacency bonuses, it is important to surround your Industrial Zones with Mines and Quarries (with exception of Germany). Seek a hilly terrain, or a cluster of minable Resources, and plan your Industrial Zone next to them. As a rule of thumb, +3 Production Production should be achieved and +2 Production Production should be a minimum. Use Map Pins to plan ahead. If a city has mostly flat tiles, the priority of its Industrial Zone can be lower than its Commercial Hub or Harbor, since a Trade Route Trade Route Trade Route may provide a greater amount of Production Production instead.

Caution should also be taken into consideration when planning an Industrial Zone, as they will lower the Appeal of surrounding tiles. As such, it is recommended to keep them away from National Parks and avoid building Neighborhoods near them.

In Gathering Storm, the earlier strategy of Mines and Quarries should basically be forgone, as the minor bonus from these improvements pales in comparison to the bonuses from Aqueducts, Dams, and Canals. Each grants +2 Production Production to Industrial Zones, and since the former two are relatively easy to construct (i.e. does not have too challenging placement requirements) you should plan your city in advance where you can construct these districts to net you an easy +4 Production Production or above.

The +1 Production Production adjacency bonus from Strategic Resources are also quite decent, but since it's rare that you'll encounter a spot surrounded by them it's still better to rely on Aqueduct/Dam/Canal adjacencies and to think of them as a lucky additional bonus if you happen to be able to fit it in your planning. An upside though is that by adjacency bonuses to Strategic Resources and Mines on the same tile stack; therefore, all improved Strategic Resources (except for Horses Horses Horses, which are improved by Pastures) will grant 1.5 Production Production to Industrial Zones.

Area Effect Buildings

As with the Entertainment Complex, the second and third buildings of Industrial Zone can extend their effects to all cities within 6 tiles. As of the Winter Update of 2016, the area effects of multiple buildings of the same type no longer stack. Nevertheless, the area effect of Factory and Power Plant means only one city needs to construct these two buildings among a city cluster, proper use of which saves you valuable production turns. If you have multiple otherwise equivalent locations for an Industrial Zone of a centrally located city or an early city (you are more able to quickly construct higher tier buildings in older cities), try to pick the spot that maximizes the future coverage of its Factory and Power Plant. Factory is also a major way old cities can help new cities. However, remember that even though higher-tier buildings may not provide their Production Production bonus (due to another regional building already providing it), they will still provide Citizen slots for additional local Production Production and Great Person Great Person Great Person points. You will have to decide on a case-by-case basis whether it will be worth the effort to spend the number of turns necessary to build them, or you can build something more useful instead.

In Gathering Storm area-effects also function for the new Power Power system! The new Power Plants will also provide Power Power to all cities within 6 tiles, and this makes proper positioning even more important.

Great Engineer Nikola Tesla can extend the effect of one Industrial Zone by 3 tiles while increasing the Production Production bonus of each of its buildings by 2. This is one of the best Great Engineers. However, due to the random nature of Great People, it is usually difficult to plan with Nikola Tesla in mind.

Choice of Industrial Zone Location

Things to consider (in order of importance):

  • Adjacency bonus
  • Area effect (for central or old cities)
  • Obstruction of future farming triangles and diamonds
  • Conditions of certain valuable Wonders

Power Plants in Gathering Storm

In the Gathering Storm expansion, the Power Plant building is split now into three new buildings: the Coal Power Plant, the Oil Power Plant, and the Nuclear Power Plant. They are all constructed in the Industrial Zone as a Tier 3 building, in the place of the old generic Power Plant, and are one of the main ingredients of the new Power Power system.

Each district may contain only one type of Power Plant at any given time. However, there are now special city projects via which the existing Power Plant in the city may be switched to another type.

Some Power Plants can extend their Production Production and Science Science bonuses to nearby City Centers. When multiple Power Plants are within range of a City Center, the highest bonus in that City Center takes precedence.

For example, suppose City A has a Coal Power Plant which gives +6 Production Production due to its Industrial Zone having +6 adjacency bonus and City A is also in range of a Nuclear Power Plant of City B, which gives +4 Production Production and +3 Science Science. In this case, the higher bonuses take precedence. Thus City A receives +6 Production Production and +3 Science Science from Power Plants while City B receives +4 Production Production and +3 Science Science. Bonuses from the two Power Plants do not stack unless Magnus with the appropriate title is present.

Civilopedia entry

An industrial zone (sometimes euphemistically termed an industrial "park") is where the "heavy weight" manufacturing and shipping takes place in modern civilization. Long before the Industrial Revolution, it was common to locate the most noisy, odoriferous, and dangerous workshops – the tanners, smelters, slaughterhouses, etc. – outside the city walls. No one wanted to live near those. Inevitably, heavy transport evolved to carry raw materials in and finished products out of these districts; today industrial zones are nexus for highways, railroads, airports, and seaports. The infrastructure grew with the zones: warehouses, power plants, water towers, pipelines, and communications networks. And the industrial zones kept growing as industry grew; Upgrader Alley outside Edmonton, for instance, covers 318 square kilometers (some 123 square miles).

Civilization VI Districts [edit]
AerodromeAqueduct (Bath) • Campus (Observatory1Seowon R&F-Only) • Canal GS-OnlyCity CenterCommercial Hub (Suguba GS-Only) • Dam GS-OnlyDiplomatic Quarter1Encampment (Ikanda R&F-OnlyThành1) • Entertainment Complex (Street CarnivalHippodrome1) • Government Plaza R&F-OnlyHarbor (Cothon GS-OnlyRoyal Navy Dockyard) • Holy Site (Lavra) • Industrial Zone (HansaOppidum1) • Neighborhood (Mbanza) • Preserve1SpaceportTheater Square (Acropolis) • Walled Quarter2Water Park R&F-Only (Copacabana R&F-Only)
1 Requires DLC2 The Black Death scenario only

R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.
