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The Information Era is the eighth and final era in Civilization VI and Rise and Fall. It is preceded by the Atomic Era.

In Gathering Storm, the Information Era is followed by a ninth and final era: the Future Era.


A world of information rests in the palm of your hand, and networks for instantaneous communication span the globe. Yet a unified vision of our future has never been built. We compete in technology, culture, and politics. We have deadly weapons that could destroy our planet. Lead us carefully, but boldly, and build a global community that can stand for years to come.

Game Info[]

Information Era start[]


Technology Prerequisites Science Science cost Eureka Eureka Infrastructure Units Effects
Computers 1850 Build 2 Broadcast Centers
Boost through Great Scientist or Spy (GS-Only)
Nuclear Submarine
Advanced Flight
1850 Boost through Great Scientist or Spy
Build 2 Broadcast Centers (GS-Only)
Solar Farm Mechanized Infantry, Launch Moon Landing (second step towards Science Victory)
Guidance Systems
Guidance Systems
Advanced Ballistics
1850 Kill a Fighter Rocket Artillery, Mobile SAM
Nuclear Fission 1850 Boost through Great Scientist or Spy
Build 2 Drones (GS-Only)
Jet Fighter, Missile Cruiser
Synthetic Materials 1850 Own 3 Tanks Wind Farm Modern Armor, Modern AT
Stealth Technology
Stealth Technology
Synthetic Materials 1850 Boost through Great Scientist or Spy Jet Bomber
Satellites (GS-Only)
Guidance Systems (GS-Only)
Lasers (GS-Only)
2155 Have the Globalization civic Giant Death Robot (GS-Only) +1 Production on Pastures, (vanilla and R&F-Only) Launch Mars Habitation (1/3 of the final step of the Science Victory)
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear Fusion
Lasers 2155 Boost through Great Scientist or Spy (vanilla and R&F-Only) Launch Mars Reactor (1/3 of the final step of the Science Victory),
Operation Ivy, Build Thermonuclear Device
Composites 2155 Build an Aluminum Mine (vanilla and R&F-Only) Launch Mars Hydroponics (1/3 of the final step of the Science Victory)
(GS-Only) Launch Mars Colony
Future Tech
Future Tech*
Robotics (Vanilla and R&F-Only)
Nuclear Fusion (Vanilla and R&F-Only)
Nanotechnology (Vanilla and R&F-Only)
2500 N/A Can be completed multiple times, increasing your points towards the Score Victory
(GS-Only) +5% Production to city projects each time it is completed

* This technology will appear in the following era if you have Gathering Storm installed.


Civic Culture Culture cost Inspiration Inspiration Policy cards Units, infrastructure, & governments Other unlocks Leads to
Environmentalism GS-Only

Build 2 Solar Farms.

+25% Tourism Tourism across your empire.

Near Future Governance
Near Future Governance


Build 3 Airports.

GS-Only Build 2 Airports.

Military Policy Strategic Air Force
Diplomatic Policy International Space Agency
Economic Policy Ecommerce

Plantation: +1 Gold Gold

+1 Governor Governor title.

Without GS-Only:
Future Civic
Future Civic
With GS-Only:
Near Future Governance
Near Future Governance
Venture Politics
Venture Politics
Distributed Sovereignty
Distributed Sovereignty
Optimization Imperative
Optimization Imperative

Social Media
Social Media

Research Telecommunications.

Economic Policy Online Communities
Diplomatic Policy Collective Activism
Diplomatic Policy Communications Office

+1 Governor Governor title.

Without GS-Only:
Future Civic
Future Civic
With GS-Only:
Venture Politics
Venture Politics
Distributed Sovereignty
Distributed Sovereignty
Optimization Imperative
Optimization Imperative

Near Future Governance
Near Future Governance GS-Only

Adopt a Government with 8 inherent policy slots

+3 Envoy6 Envoys

+1 Governor Governor title.

Future Era Civics. The progression of these last Civics is randomized every playthrough.

Venture Politics
Venture Politics GS-Only

Build a Uranium Mine.

Corporate Libertarianism
Corporate Libertarianism

Future Era Civics. The progression of these last Civics is randomized every playthrough.

Distributed Sovereignty
Distributed Sovereignty GS-Only

Own a Rock Band.

Digital Democracy
Digital Democracy

Future Era Civics. The progression of these last Civics is randomized every playthrough.

Optimization Imperative
Optimization Imperative GS-Only

Research Robotics.

Synthetic Technocracy
Synthetic Technocracy

Future Era Civics. The progression of these last Civics is randomized every playthrough.

(vanilla Civilization VI, R&F-Only)
Future Civic
Future Civic


Score Victory points.

+1 Governor Governor title.

This civic can be researched indefinitely. It provides the effects every time it is finished.

Tile Improvements[]

Wind Farm Wind Farm GS-Only
Solar Farm Solar Farm GS-Only



Corporate Libertarianism Corporate Libertarianism GS-Only
Digital Democracy Digital Democracy GS-Only
Synthetic Technocracy Synthetic Technocracy GS-Only


Launch Moon Landing Launch Moon Landing
Launch Mars Habitation Launch Mars Habitation
Launch Mars Reactor Launch Mars Reactor
Launch Mars Hydroponics Launch Mars Hydroponics
Operation Ivy Operation Ivy
Build Thermonuclear Device Build Thermonuclear Device
Launch Mars Colony Launch Mars Colony GS-Only

Great People[]

R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.

Related achievements[]

Through the Digital Age
Through the Digital Age
Win a regular game with an Information Era start.
The 'Digital Age' is another name for the time period represented by the Information Era, which involves the heavy usage and advancement of computers, and electronic machinery.

See also[]

Civilization VI Eras [edit]
AncientClassicalMedievalRenaissanceIndustrialModernAtomicInformationFuture GS-Only
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.