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The Ironclad is a unit in Civilization III.


The forerunner of the modern battleship, the Ironclad is a tough defender against anything but more modern warships.

A coastal city needs Coal and Iron in its Strategic Resource box to build an Ironclad.

Conquests changes[]

In the Conquests expansion, the Ironclad undergoes a major upgrade. Previously being unlocked by Steam Power, they now need to be unlocked by their own special advance, Ironclads. They also now upgrade to Destroyers, and their attack, defense, speed, production costs and bombard values are all modified as per the table below.

Vanilla and Play the World Conquests
Attack 4 5
Defense 4 6
Moves 4 3
Bombard 4 6
Cost 80 90

Civilopedia entry[]

Ironclads were the forerunners of future generations of armored naval vessels. Instead of the simple wooden hulls found on the other ships at the time, ironclads were covered with strong metal plating. This plating made them nearly impervious to large-caliber explosive shells that would easily penetrate and destroy wooden vessels. Ironclads made their first appearance during the American Civil War, and quickly gained dominance over other ships of that era. Perhaps the most famous naval battle of the Civil War was the battle between the Confederate ironclad "Merrimack", and the Union ironclad "Monitor", which lasted for several hours before the "Merrimack" was forced to withdraw.


  • The Ironclad's in-game model is based on the USS Monitor ironclad.

See also[]

Civilization III Units [edit]
Land Ancient CavalryCArcher (BowmanJavelin ThrowerC) • ArmyArtilleryCannon (HwachaP) • CatapultCavalry (CossackHussarC2SipahiP) • Chariot (Three-Man ChariotCWar Chariot) • Cruise MissileCrusaderCExplorer (ConquistadorP) • FlakCGuerillaPHorseman (Mounted Warrior) • ICBMInfantryKnight (Ansar WarriorPKeshikPRiderSamuraiWar Elephant) • LeaderLongbowman (BerserkP) • MarineMech InfantryMedieval InfantryPMobile SAMCModern ArmorModern ParatrooperMusketman (Musketeer) • ParatrooperCPikeman (Swiss MercenaryC) • PrincessP1Radar ArtilleryRiflemanScout (Chasqui ScoutC) • SettlerSpearman (HopliteImpiNumidian MercenaryP) • Swordsman (Gallic SwordsmanPImmortalsLegionary) • Tactical NukeTank (Panzer) • TOW InfantryCTrebuchetCWarrior (Enkidu WarriorCJaguar Warrior) • Worker
Sea AEGIS CruiserBattleshipCaravel (CarrackC) • CarrierCruiserCCurraghCDestroyerFrigate (Man-O-War) • GalleonGalley (DromonC) • IroncladNuclear SubmarinePrivateerSubmarineTransport
Air BomberFighterHelicopterJet Fighter (F-15) • Stealth BomberStealth Fighter
KingP1 AbuP1AlexanderP1BismarckP1BrennusP1CaesarP1CatherineP1Charles VC12CleopatraP1ElizabethP1GandhiP1GilgameshC1HammurabiP1HannibalP1HenryC1HiawathaP1IsabellaP1Joan d'ArcP1LincolnP1MaoP1MontezumaP1MursilisC1OsmanP1PachacutiC1RagnarP1ShakaP1Smoke-JaguarC1TemujinP1TheodoraC1TokugawaP1Wang KonP1William of OrangeC1XerxesP1
P Added in the Play the World expansion pack • C Added in the Conquests expansion pack • 1 Game mode only • 2 Сut from the game