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The Keshig is a unique ranged cavalry unit of the Mongolian civilization in Civilization VI: Rise and Fall.

In the Gathering Storm expansion, the Keshig requires 10 Horses Horses to train.


Although the Keshig is classified as a ranged cavalry unit, it uses the ranged units' promotion table. Depending on which promotions it's given, it can either be used as an anti-infantry weapon or a siege weapon, and its top-tier promotion will allow it to attack twice per turn. It also has Escort Mobility by default, so it's good at getting Great Generals, Battering Rams, and Siege Towers to the front lines of the battlefield in a hurry, especially when considering its Movement Movement can be further bolstered by the Ordu.

Be warned that anti-cavalry units will do extra damage to Keshig, so try to pick them off before they reach melee range or support your Keshig with melee units.

As the Keshig is a ranged cavalry unit, the -17 Ranged Strength Ranged Strength penalty when attacking District Districts and naval units still applies. It benefits from Genghis Khan's leader ability (+3 Strength Combat Strength) only on defense, not on offense, and it can still capture enemy cavalry units.

Civilopedia entry[]

The Mongolian keshig were the elite imperial guard of the Great Khan. These mounted warriors, originally comprised of Genghis Khan’s most loyal fighters, grew to 10,000 strong among later khans. The keshig were well equipped, using their composite bows and mobility to harry opponents from a distance. As horse archers, they were second to none. Their peculiar rank as the Khan’s guard put them above even the commanding officers of an army—unsurprising, for they were predominantly composed of young warriors from prominent households.


See also[]

Civilization VI Units [edit]
Civilian SettlerBuilderTraderArchaeologistSpyNaturalistRock Band GS-Only
Land military AT CrewArcher (Hul'che1Pítati Archer1) • ArtilleryBarbarian Horse ArcherBarbarian HorsemanBombardCatapultCavalry (CossackHuszár GS-OnlyLlanero1) • Courser GS-Only (Black Army GS-OnlyOromo Cavalry1) • Crossbowman (Voi Chiến1) • Crouching TigerCuirassier GS-Only (Rough RiderWinged Hussar1) • Field Cannon (Hwacha R&F-Only) • Giant Death Robot GS-OnlyHeavy ChariotHelicopterHorseman (Hetairoi1) • Infantry (Digger1) • Keshig R&F-OnlyKnight (Mandekalu Cavalry GS-OnlyMamlukTagma1) • Line Infantry (Garde ImpérialeRedcoat) • Machine GunMalón Raider R&F-OnlyMan-At-Arms (Khevsur R&F-OnlyBerserkerSamurai) • Maryannu Chariot ArcherMechanized InfantryModern ATModern ArmorMountie GS-OnlyMusketman (ConquistadorJanissary GS-Only) • Nihang1Pike and Shot (Carolean GS-Only) • Pikeman (Impi R&F-Only) • Questing Knight4Ranger (Highlander R&F-Only) • Rocket ArtillerySabum Kibittum1Saka Horse ArcherScout (Okihtcitaw R&F-Only) • Skirmisher GS-Only (Warak'aq GS-Only) • SlingerSpearman (Hoplite) • Spec Ops R&F-OnlySwordsman (Hypaspist1Immortal1LegionNgao MbebaToa GS-Only) • TankTrebuchet (Domrey1) • Vampire3VaruWar-CartWarrior MonkWarrior (Eagle WarriorGaesatae1) • Zombie5
Naval military Aircraft CarrierBattleship (Minas Geraes) • Caravel (Nau1) • DestroyerFrigate (De Zeven Provinciën R&F-OnlyJong1) • Galley (Bireme GS-OnlyViking Longship) • IroncladMissile CruiserNuclear SubmarinePrivateer (Barbary Corsair GS-OnlySea Dog) • Quadrireme (Dromon1) • Submarine (U-Boat)
Aircraft BiplaneBomberFighter (P-51 Mustang) • Jet BomberJet Fighter
Support Anti-Air GunBattering RamCultist3Drone R&F-OnlyMedicMilitary EngineerMobile SAMObservation BalloonSiege TowerSoothsayer2Supply Convoy R&F-Only
Religious ApostleGuruInquisitorMissionary
See also Great PeopleHeroes
1 Requires DLC2 Apocalypse mode only • 3 Secret Societies mode only • 4 Heroes & Legends mode only • 5 Zombie Defense mode only
R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.