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==Game info== Unique unit of the Indonesian civilization. Replaces the Swordsman. Requires iron.

  • Special traits:

Mystic blade: Free random special promotion after the first battle.

Possible Promotions

  • Invulnerability: +30% Combat Bonus when defending. +20 HP when healing
  • Sneak Attack: Flank attack bonus increased by 50%
  • Heroism: Unit awards combat bonus to nearby units as if it is a Great General
  • Ambition: +50% Combat Bonus when attacking. -20% penalty when defending
  • Restlessness: May attack twice, 1 extra movement
  • Recruitment: Heals all damage if the unit kills a non-Barbarian unit
  • Enemy Blade: Takes 20 damage if the unit ends its turn in enemy territory
  • Evil Spirits: -10% penalty when attacking. -30% penalty when defending


This unit is unique in its special abilities - it actually has a whole range of possible bonuses, some of which can even turn out to be detrimental to him! This means that you never know how each of those warriors would turn up at the end, which makes for quite some excitement. Still, most of the possible promotions are quite powerful, offsetting the cost of one or two units turning out badly.
