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The Legion is a unique military unit of the Roman civilization in Civilization VII.

  • Special trait:
    • +2 Combat Strength Combat Strength for each Tradition slotted in the Government.


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Civilopedia entry[]

The Roman legion was a unit of Roman troops formed for a particular war - until the Marian Reforms of 107 BCE when legions became virtually permanent. Legions included more than one kind of unit and were comprised of mounted soldiers and foot soldiers, generally on the order of a few thousand. Poorer spearmen (hastati) were positioned at the front of the line, while better-armed and armored soldiers (principes and triarii) were placed towards the rear. Soldiers were arranged in the maniple - an elaboration of the phalanx - which left empty spaces within the ranks to allow greater maneuverability and create deadly pockets where over-ambitious enemies might be trapped. These maniples were composed of around two hundred men and commanded by two centurions (each responsible for a hundred soldiers, as the name suggests).

These legions began as nobles who could afford their own arms and equipment, but as Rome grew into an empire, these military units gave way to a professional (and political) class of soldiers, which had profound ramifications for the development of the empire.


See also[]
