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Liang, otherwise known as The Surveyor, is one of the Governors introduced in Civilization VI: Rise and Fall. She excels at developing the infrastructure of a city and protecting it against environmental effects.


Rise and Fall[]

Tier Promotion Effect Required Promotion
Default Guildmaster All Builders trained in city get +1 build charge. -
I Infrastructure +30% Production Production towards City Center and Government Plaza buildings. -
I Aquaculture The Fishery unique improvement can be built in the city on coastal plots. Yields 1 Food Food, +1 Food Food for each adjacent sea resource. -
II Zoning Commissioner +30% Production Production towards constructing Districts in the city. Infrastructure
II Amusement +30% Production Production towards Entertainment Complex and Water Park buildings in the city. Aquaculture
III Parks and Recreation The City Park unique improvement can be built in the city. Yields 2 Appeal and 1 Culture Culture. +1 Amenity Amenity if adjacent to water. Zoning Commissioner or Amusement

Gathering Storm[]

Tier Promotion Effect Required Promotion
Default Guildmaster All Builders trained in city get +1 build charge. -
I Zoning Commissioner +20% Production Production towards constructing Districts in the city. -
I Aquaculture The Fishery unique improvement can be built in the city on coastal plots. Yields 1 Food Food, +1 Food Food for each adjacent sea resource. Fisheries provide +1 Production Production if Liang is in the city. -
II Reinforced Materials This city's improvements, buildings and District Districts cannot be damaged by Environmental Effects. Zoning Commissioner
II Water Works +2 Housing Housing for every Neighborhood and Aqueduct district in this city. +1 Amenity Amenity for every Canal and Dam district in this city. Aquaculture
III Parks and Recreation The City Park unique improvement can be built in the city. Yields 2 Appeal and 1 Culture Culture. +1 Amenity Amenity if adjacent to water. City Parks provide 3 Culture Culture if Liang is in the city. Reinforced Materials or Water Works


An expert in efficiency, Liang is skilled in all things related to building and construction. An expert planner, she can also supervise the development of custom improvements in the city.

Liang is best used in new cities with low Production Production. Her starting title of Guildmaster gives all Builders in the city an extra Build charges (Civ6) build charge, so the new city's problems can be alleviated by simple improvements like Farms and Mines. These Builders will have 6 Build charges (Civ6) build charges if you have the Serfdom or Public Works Economic policy cards, 7 if you've built the Pyramids, and 8 if you're playing as Qin Shi Huang.

Aquaculture is generally not useful until the later eras of the game, where large cities begin struggling to continue growing their Citizen Population due to their Farms having been replaced by Neighborhoods. The only exception is cities that have been settled in Tundra, Desert, or Snow, where the Ocean has more Food Food yield than the aforementioned Tundra, Desert or Snow. You can also use it to help a coastal city with Production Production.

Infrastructure is more or less just a stepping stone towards Zoning Commissioner. All of the City Center buildings are generally cheap enough that you can buy them with Gold Gold without impacting your treasury too much (aside from Walls, which cannot be bought, but become obsolete anyway after researching Steel). However, the Government Plaza buildings can be quite expensive, so it isn't a bad idea to place Liang in the Government Plaza's city for a short time after you've gained your preferred Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 governments and while you aren't producing Settlers.

Zoning Commissioner is one of the most useful promotions for any Governor. It is a slightly slower version of Reyna's Contractor promotion. If you do not wish to spend high amounts of Gold Gold on a new city's District Districts, buy only a Builder and redirect a Trader to your new city. Use the Builder to create Mines and Quarries, and send the Trader to a city that will provide large amounts of Food Food or Production Production (preferably both) back.

Amusement is generally not a useful promotion and not worth taking Liang out of a growing city to take advantage of unless a city is having a dangerous amount of Amenity Amenity issues (e.g., the city is going to spawn Barbarians from having too few Amenities Amenities within a couple turns).

Finally, Parks and Recreation is a decent promotion. After researching Flight, it is useful to generate Tourism Tourism.

In Gathering Storm, Infrastructure is replaced with Reinforced Materials. It is useful for keeping important District Districts and improvements (such as high-yield Campuses and Mines next to Volcanos) in Liang's city protected from disasters. Note that volcanic eruptions can still remove bonus resources and certain terrain features from tiles owned by the city, so an eruption may remove the resource/feature but leave the improvement undamaged.

Civilopedia entry[]

There's an old joke that says: "Invest in land; they've stopped making it." The truth is that effective use of land is an important job, and efficient use of space begins with understanding what you have through surveys and mapping. Surveying is another trade that goes back to antiquity, and which enjoyed considerable support from those who understand the value of land.


Civilization VI Governors [edit]
Amani AffluenceEmissaryForeign Investor GS-OnlyLocal Informants GS-OnlyMessengerPrestigePromoterPuppeteer
Ibrahim GS-Only Capou AghaGrand VizierHead FalconerKhass-Oda-BashiPashaSerasker
Liang AmusementAquacultureGuildmasterInfrastructureParks and RecreationReinforced Materials GS-OnlyWater Works GS-OnlyZoning Commissioner
Magnus Black MarketeerGroundbreakerIndustrialistProvisionSurplus LogisticsVertical Integration
Moksha BishopCitadel of GodDivine ArchitectGrand InquisitorLaying On Of HandsPatron Saint
Pingala Arms Race ProponentConnoisseurCurator GS-OnlyGrantsLibrarianResearcherSpace Initiative
Reyna ContractorCuratorForeign ExchangeForestry Management GS-OnlyHarbormasterLand AcquisitionRenewable Subsidizer GS-OnlyTax Collector
Victor Air Defense InitiativeArms Race Proponent GS-OnlyDefense LogisticsEmbrasureGarrison CommanderRedoubtSecurity Expert
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.