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List of Orbital units in Civilization: Beyond Earth

Unit Requirements Production Resources Duration (turns) Radius Effect
All-Seer All-Seer Dark Networks 200 4Petroleum
30 1 Removes and prevents all Covert Agents and Intrigue from cities in range
Comm Relay Comm Relay RT only Communications 100 - 60 5
Provides orbital coverage within a 5 tile radius
Deep Space Telescope Deep Space Telescope Orbital Automation 200 2Petroleum
60 2 Discovers The Signal, part of the Contact Victory

+25% Science for cities in range

Holomatrix Holomatrix Civil Support 130 3Petroleum
60 1 +2 Culture on tiles you own in range

-50% Intrigue increases on cities in range

Lasercom Satellite Lasercom Satellite Orbital Networks 130 2Petroleum
60 1 Contacts Old Earth, part of the Emancipation and Promised Land Victories

+15% Science for cities in range

Miasmic Condenser Miasmic Condenser Alien Ecology 130 3Petroleum
10 2 Generates Miasma, starting from the center
Miasmic Repulsor Miasmic Repulsor Ecology 80 - 10 2 Clears Miasma, starting from the center
Orbital Fabricator Orbital Fabricator Geoscaping 130 2Petroleum
60 1 +1 Production on tiles you own

Generates 1 to 2 new strategic resources ranging 1-4 in quantity[2]

Orbital Laser Orbital Laser Cybernetics 130 2Petroleum 60 3 Attacks units within range (Ranged Strength 70)
Paean Paean RT only Biology 130 - 30 1 Tiles provide +1 Health Health when worked by a City but not past the City's local Health Health limit
Phasal Transporter Phasal Transporter Cybernetics 130 2Petroleum
30 1 Enables units to perform a one-way Phasal Transport from any friendly City to any affected tile
Planet Carver Planet Carver Astrodynamics 200 4Petroleum
30 2 Attacks units within range (Ranged Strength 120)
Rocktopus Rocktopus Designer Lifeforms
Harmony 9
280 2Xenomass
10 2 Can move between deployments

Attacks units within range (Ranged Strength 60)

Solar Collector Solar Collector Photosystems 80 - 60 1 +1 Energy on tiles you own within range

+20% Energy for cities within range

Spy Satellite Spy Satellite RT only Tactical Robotics 100 - 45 6
Provides visibility of all locations within a 6 tile radius, not counting invisible units
Station Sentinel Station Sentinel RT only Ballistics 80 - 60 0 Doubles trade route yields from the station underneath it. Also doubles this station's defense, and prevents it from being abandoned.
Tacnet Hub Tacnet Hub Communications 80 - 60 2 +20% Strength, +20% Ranged Strength, and +5 HP heal for all friendly units in range
Weather Controller Weather Controller Climate Control 130 2Petroleum
60 1 +1 Food on tiles you own

Generates 1 to 2 new Basic Resources[2]

Xeno Siren Xeno Siren RT only Biochemistry 80 - 30 2 Attracts nearby alien units to the affected area


  1. The Comm relay only takes up 1 one tile in the orbital layer, but it effects 5 tiles out
  2. 2.0 2.1 On unimproved tiles across unit's lifespan. Territory ownership and miasma don't matter, tiles with strategic resources present won't be increased
  3. The Spy Satellite only uses up one tile in the orbital layer, but it can see 6 tiles out
RT only Introduced in the Rising Tide expansion pack.
Civilization: Beyond Earth [Edit]
Games: Base Beyond EarthRising TideStarships
RT only Introduced in the Rising Tide expansion pack.
  • † Spin off game based in the same fictional universe