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This page contains a list of units in Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth and information related to them.

Civilian Units[]

Civilian units are unable to attack and are instantly captured if an enemy melee unit enters their tile.

Unit Production Description
Colonist Colonist 95
Settler unit. Forms Outposts which eventually form Cities on both land and sea.
Worker Worker 70
Worker unit. Constructs all tile Improvements.
Trade Convoy Trade Convoy[3] 70 Land-based trade unit. Used to establish trade routes between two terrestrial or coastal cities. In Rising Tide the unit can now embark and trade on the seas.
Trade Vessel Trade Vessel[3] 85 Sea-based trade unit. Used to establish trade routes between two coastal and aquatic Cities. Removed in Rising Tide.
Earthling Settler Earthling Settler - Part of the Promised Land victory
Ultrasonic Emitter Ultrasonic Emitter - Support unit unlocked though Starships. Damages aliens in adjacent tiles. Does not trigger alien aggression.

Military Units[]

  • Infantry units benefit from defensive terrain bonuses, whilst cavalry units do not.
  • Melee units can capture cities but suffer backlash from attacking, while ranged units cannot capture cities but do not suffer backlash from attacking.
Unit[4] Affinity
Prerequisite Techs


Explorer Explorer - Habitation[6] - Scout unit that conducts expeditions. May leash RT only aliens
Soldier Soldier - Habitation[6] - Basic melee infantry unit
Ranger Ranger - Physics - Basic ranged infantry unit
Combat Rover Combat Rover - Engineering - Basic melee cavalry unit
Missile Rover Missile Rover - Computing - Basic ranged cavalry unit that deals more damage to cities
Patrol Boat Patrol Boat RT only - Habitation[6] - Basic melee naval unit
Gunboat Gunboat - Habitation[6] - Basic ranged naval unit
Submarine Submarine RT only - Chemistry - Stealth ranged naval unit
Carrier Carrier - Fabrication - Aircraft base naval unit
Tacjet Tacjet - Robotics - Air unit
Xeno Swarm Xeno Swarm 4 Harmony Alien Adaptation 1 Xenomass Alien melee infantry unit
Xeno Cavalry Xeno Cavalry 7 Harmony Alien Domestication 2 Xenomass Alien melee cavalry unit
Rocktopus Rocktopus 9 Harmony Designer Lifeforms 2 Xenomass
1 Floatstone
Alien orbital unit
Xeno Titan Xeno Titan 12 Harmony Alien Evolution 5 Xenomass
Very powerful melee unit with strong defense against ranged
Battlesuit Battlesuit 4 Purity Servomachinery 1 Titanium Armored melee infantry unit
Aegis Aegis 7 Purity Surrogacy 1 Titanium
1 Floatstone
Ranged combat-medic unit
LEV Tank LEV Tank 9 Purity Mobile LEV 3 Floatstone Ranged hover unit
LEV Destroyer LEV Destroyer 12 Purity Tactical LEV 5 Floatstone
Very powerful ranged hover unit that deals splash damage
CNDR CNDR 4 Supremacy Tactical Robotics 1 Firaxite Defensive melee robot unit
CARVR CARVR 7 Supremacy Autogyros 2 Firaxite Offensive melee robot unit
SABR SABR 9 Supremacy Synthetic Thought 3 Firaxite Long ranged robot unit
ANGEL ANGEL 12 Supremacy Neural Uploading 5 Firaxite Very powerful ranged robot unit that can cross canyons and coasts
Immortal Immortal RT only 3 Harmony
3 Purity
Organics 1 Xenomass Regenerative melee infantry unit
Architect Architect RT only 4 Harmony
4 Purity
Alien Hybridization 1 Xenomass
1 Floatstone
Ranged infantry unit that can assist or inhibit
Throne Throne[7] RT only 5 Harmony
5 Purity
Human Idealism 2 Xenomass
2 Floatstone
Ranged hover unit that can assist or inhibit
Drone Cage Drone Cage RT only 3 Purity
3 Supremacy
Autonomous Systems 1 Firaxite Melee combat-medic unit
Autosled Autosled RT only 4 Purity
4 Supremacy
Bionics 1 Firaxite
1 Floatstone
Melee hover unit
Golem Golem[7] RT only 5 Purity
5 Supremacy
Bioengineering 2 Firaxite
2 Floatstone
Very powerful melee unit
Nanohive Nanohive RT only 3 Supremacy
3 Harmony
Collaborative Thought 1 Titanium Stealth unit that deals damage to two tiles of its radius
Geliopod Geliopod RT only 4 Supremacy
4 Harmony
Transgenics 1 Xenomass
1 Titanium
Land based stealth unit
Aquilon Aquilon[7] RT only 5 Supremacy
5 Harmony
Biometallurgy 2 Titanium
2 Firaxite
Ranged hover unit with aircraft base

Orbital units[]

Unit Requirements Production Resources Duration (turns) Radius Effect
All-Seer All-Seer Dark Networks 200 4 Petroleum
1 Titanium
30 1 Removes and prevents all Covert Agents and Intrigue from cities in range
Comm Relay Comm Relay RT only Communications 100 - 60 5
Provides orbital coverage within a 5 tile radius
Deep Space Telescope Deep Space Telescope Orbital Automation 200 2 Petroleum
1 Firaxite
60 2 Discovers The Signal, part of the Contact Victory

+25% Science for cities in range

Holomatrix Holomatrix Civil Support 130 3 Petroleum
1 Floatstone
60 1 +2 Culture on tiles you own in range

-50% Intrigue increases on cities in range

Lasercom Satellite Lasercom Satellite Orbital Networks 130 2 Petroleum
1 Titanium
60 1 Contacts Old Earth, part of the Emancipation and Promised Land Victories

+15% Science for cities in range

Miasmic Condenser Miasmic Condenser Alien Ecology 130 3 Petroleum
1 Xenomass
10 2 Generates Miasma, starting from the center
Miasmic Repulsor Miasmic Repulsor Ecology 80 - 10 2 Clears Miasma, starting from the center
Orbital Fabricator Orbital Fabricator Geoscaping 130 2 Petroleum
1 Titanium
60 1 +1 Production on tiles you own

Generates 1 to 2 new strategic resources ranging 1-4 in quantity[9]

Orbital Laser Orbital Laser Cybernetics 130 2 Petroleum 60 3 Attacks units within range (Ranged Strength 70)
Paean Paean RT only Biology 130 - 30 1 Tiles provide +1 Health Health when worked by a City but not past the City's local Health Health limit
Phasal Transporter Phasal Transporter Cybernetics 130 2 Petroleum
1 Titanium
30 1 Enables units to perform a one-way Phasal Transport from any friendly City to any affected tile
Planet Carver Planet Carver Astrodynamics 200 4 Petroleum
1 Titanium
30 2 Attacks units within range (Ranged Strength 120)
Rocktopus Rocktopus Designer Lifeforms
Harmony 9
280 2 Xenomass
1 Floatstone
10 2 Can move between deployments

Attacks units within range (Ranged Strength 60)

Solar Collector Solar Collector Photosystems 80 - 60 1 +1 Energy on tiles you own within range

+20% Energy for cities within range

Spy Satellite Spy Satellite RT only Tactical Robotics 100 - 45 6
Provides visibility of all locations within a 6 tile radius, not counting invisible units
Station Sentinel Station Sentinel RT only Ballistics 80 - 60 0 Doubles trade route yields from the station underneath it. Also doubles this station's defense, and prevents it from being abandoned.
Tacnet Hub Tacnet Hub Communications 80 - 60 2 +20% Strength, +20% Ranged Strength, and +5 HP heal for all friendly units in range
Weather Controller Weather Controller Climate Control 130 2 Petroleum
1 Titanium
60 1 +1 Food on tiles you own

Generates 1 to 2 new Basic Resources[9]

Xeno Siren Xeno Siren RT only Biochemistry 80 - 30 2 Attracts nearby alien units to the affected area

Alien units[]

Alien Movement Movement Strength Range Range Ranged Strength Notes
Wolf Beetle Wolf Beetle 2 10 0 0 Swarm organism that constantly defends alien hives by patrolling around them closely. Carpets landscape in mass swarms when Alien aggression is ignited.
Raptor Bug Raptor Bug 3 16 0 0 Fastest known land alien species, with greater strength compared to a swarm of Wolf Beetle. Appears only when the aliens feel threatened.
Siege Worm Siege Worm 1 62 0 0 Migrates between several destinations, destroying any infrastructure or units in the lands they pass through, extremely effective against cities. Does not become actively aggressive or specifically move through or towards human construction until the aliens are particularly pressed.
Drone Drones 3 10 0 0 Only known Alien unit capable of flight. Has similar abilities to the Wolf Beetle but does not benefit from terrain bonuses.
Manticore Manticore 1 4 2 10 Chemical spewing "artillery" of the Alien Hive. Commonly found stationed within the hives themselves to attack targets that close in. Appears in greater numbers if Alien aggression is continued after the first Wolf Beetle swarms.
Sea Dragon Sea Dragon 2 16 0 0 The oceanic relative of the Raptor Bug. Much more voracious in the fact that it regards all naval vessels as possible prey.
Kraken Kraken 2 56 0 0 Aquatic relative of the Siege Worm, behaves similarly in all fashions. Will form "pods" similar to Earth-based cetaceans, making them deadly to take on even at the highest combat levels.
Hydracoral Hydracoral RT only 0 32
0 0 A combination of terrain and alien presence. Does not move or attack, but has ability to spread hydrocorals on adjacent fields. Occurs in different stages of growth. Dangerous in melee, but vulnerable to distant attacks.
Makara Makara RT only 2 28 0 0 An amphibious alien, capable of crossing both land and sea. It is slow and pillages any improvements it walks on.
Ripper Ripper RT only 3 8 0 0 Most commonly found water alien. Appears in large groups, patrolling oceans. Although not very dangerous, attacking and killing it may enrage all aliens on a planet.
Scarab Scarab RT only 2 6 0 0 Weak, land organisms, similar to wolf beetles.


  1. The Colonization Corps Trade Agreement increases the cost of colonists, but allows for new cities to skip the outpost phase.
  2. The Engineering Corps Trade Agreement decreases the cost of workers to 1. The Gene Vault wonder provides all new cities a free worker unit.
  3. 3.0 3.1 After the first patch of Rising Tide, the Trade Vessel unit was removed. Instead the Trade Convoy can embark allowing floating cities to trade with landlocked cities.
  4. Unit naming conventions in this table are the same as Civilopedia. Only the original name is used. Upgrades will change the name of the unit, the cost and the unit stats.
  5. Affinity costs mentioned in the this table are for Tier 1 units only.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Unit is available at the beginning of the game because the technology Habitation is already researched for all players at the start of the game.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 The Purity-Supremacy Golem, Harmony-Supremacy Aquilon, and Harmony-Supremacy Throne are considered Hybrid Ultimate units for the purposes of the Best of Both Worlds achievement.
  8. The Comm relay only takes up 1 one tile in the orbital layer, but it effects 5 tiles out
  9. 9.0 9.1 On unimproved tiles across unit's lifespan. Territory ownership and miasma don't matter, tiles with strategic resources present won't be increased
  10. The Spy Satellite only uses up one tile in the orbital layer, but it can see 6 tiles out
  11. There are three levels of hydracoral. Level 1, has a strength of 10, level 2, 18, and level 3, 32.
RT only Introduced in the Rising Tide expansion pack.

See also[]

External links[]

Civilization: Beyond Earth [Edit]
Games: Base Beyond EarthRising TideStarships
RT only Introduced in the Rising Tide expansion pack.
  • † Spin off game based in the same fictional universe