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The Logios is a unique civilian unit of the Greek civilization in Civilization VII.

Unique Scholar Unit. Can only be built in Cities with an Acropolis, and the specific Logios received is random. Each Logios can only be received once. Cost increases per Logios built.

Possible Logios Units:

  • Arete of Cyrene: Activated on an Acropolis to grant Influence Influence.
  • Aristotle: Activated on an Academy to add Culture Culture to the Building.
  • Aspasia: Activated on a Library to add Happiness Happiness to the Building.
  • Hypatia : Activated on a Library to add Science Science to the Building.
  • Plato: Activated on an Acropolis to give this City Culture Culture per turn equal to a percentage of its Influence Influence yield.
  • Pythagoras: Activated on an Acropolis to immediately trigger a Celebration.
  • Sappho: Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called 'Hymn to Aphrodite' that grants Culture Culture.
  • Socrates: Activated on a Palace or City Hall to add Influence Influence to the Building.
  • Thales of Miletus: Activated on an Acropolis to give this City Science Science per turn equal to a percentage of its Influence Influence yield.
  • Xenophon: Activated on an Acropolis to grant a set number of Hoplite Unique Military Units with increased Combat Strength Combat Strength.


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Civilopedia entry[]

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Template:Units (Civ7)
