The Marae is a unique building of the Māori civilization in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. It is built in the Theater Square district and replaces the Amphitheater.
- Effects:
- +1 Culture and Faith to all of this city's tiles with a passable feature.
- +1 Tourism to all of this city's tiles with a feature (with Flight).
- +2 Culture for each Cultural City-State with 3 Envoys.
- With Ethiopia Pack: +1 Culture for each Cultural City-State with 1 Envoy.
- No maintenance cost.
- No Great Work slots.
As the Māori, be sure to build a Theater Square in every city with passable features: Woods, Rainforests, Marshes, Oases, Reefs, Geothermal Fissures, Floodplains, Volcanic Soil, and passable natural wonders. Keep this in mind when settling your first city because you can get excellent yields this way early in the game.
The Māori are all but guaranteed to settle near the Coast, providing an opportunity to take advantage of the bonus from Reef tiles. Their Production bonus from unimproved Woods and Rainforest tiles stacks with the Marae's bonuses, and if you settle near Floodplains and Volcanoes, floods and Volcanic Soil (from volcanic eruptions) will provide even richer yields from the surrounding terrain. Geothermal Fissures are especially profitable, as they will yield Science, Culture, and Faith as well as Gold, Production, and clean Power after you research Synthetic Materials and improve them with Geothermal Plants.
After unlocking Flight, you will earn Tourism for all of the aforementioned features (and unpassable features like Ice as well[1]). Most importantly, after unlocking Conservation, your Builders have the ability to plant Woods, so make sure you cover all the virgin lands with this to further amplify your late game Tourism potential.
Civilopedia entry[]
A marae is a meeting ground of the Maori, and the physical center of an iwi—a tribe or family. It is central to the identity and sense of self for the tribe and family, and the place where the family comes together to celebrate, mourn, welcome, and recommit themselves. Behavior on the marae is governed through important customs, which serve to reinforce the mana of the marae holder and their guests. A marae is not a permanent dwelling, but a place set aside where the family will go for important occasions.
A marae will consist of a cleared space and buildings, including the distinctive meeting house (wharenui) with its large front portico (marae atea). The wharenui and marae atae have ornately carved pillars and panels that reflect the heritage of the people—their whakapapa. A guest is welcomed through a ritual called the powhiri, which begins with a challenge, moves onto recognition of the ancestry of both sides, includes formal speeches of welcome and exchange of gifts, and ends with a shared meal.