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The Mass Transit System is a building in Civilization III.


The Mass Transit System reduces pollution caused by population.

Civilopedia entry[]

Within a few decades of the invention of the automobile, the horse-drawn carriage disappeared from city streets. Along with all the advantages offered by the automobile, this new means of transportation quickly became a significant source of air pollution. As larger cities became more crowded, the number of cars increased, making travel difficult and adding to the pollution problem as automobile traffic clogged the streets. The development of mass transit systems, including busses, trolleys, subways, and light rail, led to a reduction in traffic and, as a result, a reduction in air pollution.

See also[]

Civilization III Buildings [edit]
AirportAqueductBankBarracksCathedralCivil DefensePCoal PlantCoastal FortressColosseumCommercial DockPCourthouseFactoryGranaryHarborHospitalHydro PlantLibraryManufacturing PlantMarketplaceMass Transit SystemNuclear PlantOffshore PlatformPalacePolice StationRecycling CenterResearch LabSAM Missile BatterySolar PlantSS CockpitSS Docking BaySS EngineSS Exterior CasingSS Fuel CellsSS Life Support SystemSS Planetary Party LoungeSS Stasis ChamberSS Storage/SupplySS ThrustersStock ExchangePTempleUniversityWalls
P: Added in the Play the World expansion pack