The Meeting House is an advanced religious building in Civilization VI. It is built in the Holy Site district and requires a Temple (or one of its replacements). It may also be purchased with Faith.
- Effects:
- +3 Faith (boosted by Simultaneum policy card)
- +2 Production
- +1 Citizen slot
- +1 Faith additionally per Specialist in this district
- With Ethiopia Pack: +3 Faith for each Religious City-State with 6 Envoys
- Restrictions:
- Requires the Meeting House Worship Belief to be constructed.
The Meeting House boosts both Faith and city Production, which helps in all instances. Choose it if you don't have any particular strategy for now, or if another Worship Belief you wanted is already taken. It is especially useful if your cities are in areas with lots of Grassland (which give no Production on their own) or Rainforest (which, outside of Gathering Storm, cannot be improved with Lumber Mills) tiles.
This is undoubtedly one of the best Worship buildings, so the AI leaders place a special emphasis on it. If this is what you want as your Worship building, you should get it right when you found your religion - don't wait until you evangelize it.
Civilopedia entry[]
In opposition to the magnificent cathedrals and churches of the Catholic Church, the Protestants thought worship should be serious and undistracted by art. Hence some Congregationalists worshiped in meeting houses - plain, unadorned buildings built from local resources (usually wood and stone). In the New World, the social and cultural center for most of the Protestant colonies was the meeting house, which served as both a place of worship and of public discourse for the settlers. For many early Quaker, Mennonite, Unitarian, Puritan, Baptist and other pious types, the meeting house also served as the de facto town hall, where political debates, votes and decisions were conducted. All along the Atlantic coast colonies, the first public building to go up was typically the meeting house. Once the separation of church and state became a widespread principle in the new United States, those meeting houses were all converted into town halls.
See also[]
- Meeting House in other games