Civilization Wiki

Melody is the starting title for the Voidsingers, a Secret Society exclusive to the Secret Societies game mode in Civilization VI. It is unlocked by discovering a Tribal Village.


Allows you to construct the Old God Obelisk building, a powerful replacement of the Monument.

Civilopedia entry[]

The music pipes in from somewhere - everywhere, it seems. From the corners of empty rooms, from the wind over the night sea, even from the spaces underneath your fingernails. At least it seems like music. It is a shrill piping and a burst of chanting in something that almost sounds like a language. Then, it is gone.

Civilization VI Secret Societies [edit]
Titles Special Unlocks
Hermetic Order NeophyteAdeptMagusAiwass Alchemical SocietyLey LineOccult Research
Owls of Minerva InitiationRitualIndoctrinationMaster Plan Gilded Vault
Sanguine Pact TasteRising HungerVoivodeEndless Night VampireVampire Castle
Voidsingers MelodyChorusCanticleSymphony CultistDark SummoningOld God ObeliskRelic of the Void