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Merchant Republic is a form of Tier 2 government in Civilization VI. It is unlocked by the Exploration civic.

In Rise and Fall, this government's legacy bonus is conferred by Mercantile Legacy, a Wildcard policy unlocked by changing governments after adopting Merchant Republic and constructing a Tier 2 government building (Foreign Ministry, Grand Master's Chapel, Intelligence Agency, or Queen's Bibliotheque).


Merchant Republic heavily favors an economic playstyle. Its two Economic Policy Economic card slots and extra Trade Route Trade Routes are quite useful, though the latter are available only under the vanilla ruleset. In the expansions, its focus shifts toward city development by providing a Gold Gold bonus to each city with an established Governor and a Production Production bonus when constructing districts. Building districts more quickly can make increasing the Citizen Population of your cities and obtaining Great Person Great People considerably easier, and subsequently spur you toward your favored victory condition.

Civilopedia entry[]

In the early Renaissance, a number of small, wealthy, trade-based nations embraced republican ideals, notably across Italy and the Baltic. In these “mercantile republics,” the leaders – usually a council of merchants headed by a doge or mayor – were elected by the citizenry with the primary duty of increasing the city-state's collective wealth. Thus, while military affairs were of importance, these were usually focused on opening or guarding trade routes. And diplomacy was centered on such matters as tariffs, customs duties and financial matters. In short, merchant republics had capital lead the way, and gave a pragmatic approach to governing, although occasionally they were not immune to misguided visions of glory, as when the aged Doge Dandolo joined the Fourth Crusade and helped sack Constantinople.

In general, these mercantile republics arose in regions of Europe where feudal control by an absolutist monarchy was minimal or absent completely. In the Holy Roman Empire, 51 “free imperial cities,” many later composing the Hanseatic League, established chartered mercantile republics. To the east, two Russian cities – Novgorod and Pskov – pursued republicanism into the 15th Century until Muscovy put an end to any pretensions of independence. But it was in Italy that mercantile republican aspirations reached their culmination, with powerful city-states such as Venice, Genoa, Pisa, Florence and others dominating the landscape until the Napoleonic Wars subsumed their greed.


Civilization VI Governments [edit]
AutocracyCatholic Monarchy1ChiefdomClassical RepublicColonial Government1CommunismCorporate Libertarianism GS-OnlyDemocracyDigital Democracy GS-OnlyFascismKandake1Merchant RepublicMonarchyOligarchyPenal Settlement1Pharaoh1State Government1Synthetic Technocracy GS-OnlyThalassocracy1Theocracy
1 Specific scenarios only
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.