The Military Academy is an advanced military building in Civilization VI. It is built in the Encampment district and requires an Armory (or one of its replacements).
- Effects:
- +25% combat experience for all melee, anti-cavalry, ranged, cavalry, and siege units trained in this city
- +25% faster Corps and Army training
- +3 Production ( +4 Production)
- +1 Housing
- +1 Citizen slot
- +1 Production additionally per Specialist in this district
- +1 Great General point per turn
- +1 Science ( +2 Science) with Military Research policy card
- +4 Gold ( +2 Culture and +4 Gold) with Third Alternative policy card
- +15% Production towards Space Race projects with Integrated Space Cell policy card
- With Ethiopia Pack: +3 Production toward units for each Militaristic City-State with 6 Envoys.
- Strategic Resource stockpiles increased by 10
The ultimate military building in the game, the Military Academy has one very interesting special effect: it allows its parent city to train land units as Corps or Armies. The word "faster" in the description means that the training process will take less Production than it otherwise would to train 2 or 3 of the respective units. And for someone who needs to produce a strong army quickly, this can mean the difference between survival and the end of the game!
The experience boost applies to Nihang, but not to recon units or Warrior Monks.
Building three Military Academies triggers the Inspiration for Totalitarianism.
Civilopedia entry[]
If a civilization is to have a professional army, then it needs professionals to run it. (It helps, but certainly doesn’t guarantee, that that expensive army won’t get wasted anyway.) A military academy is an institution of “higher” learning in the “art” of war, dedicated to training officers. The first military academies were established in the early 1700s in Europe (the oldest, the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich in 1720 AD) to train officers in the “technical” branches of the army, such as the engineers and the artillery. In France, the École Royale Militaire was founded in 1751, the first to offer a general military education. Within a generation, Prussia, Russia, Austria, Sweden and most of the lesser European states had military academies turning out army officers. And why not start teaching boys the ways of war as well, so private boarding schools for pre-collegiate cadets were established in the United Kingdom (such as Welbeck College), France (Saint-Cyr for instance), the United States (Valley Forge Military Academy and others), Russia (the Suvorov Military Schools) and elsewhere.
See also[]
- Military Academy in other games