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The Mosque is an advanced religious building in Civilization VI.

Game Info

Built in the Holy Site district. Requires Temple. May be purchased with Faith Faith.

This Worship building can help speed up the spread of your religion, making it easier to reach a Religious Victory.

Historical Context

There are strict requirements and standards in Islamic fiqh for a building to be a mosque, and those places of worship that do not meet those are merely musallas (“gathering houses”). Under Sharia law, once a mosque is formally designated as a holy place, it remains that until the Day of Judgment (Yawm ad-Din). The oldest and largest mosque in the world, the Masjid al-Haram, was built in the city of Mecca around 638 AD; it encompasses the holy site of the Kaaba, the most sacred of all locations in Islam. The Prophet himself established other mosques, notably that at Medina. From there, mosques – with their distinctive domes, minarets and prayer halls overseen by an imam – were carried by the swords of the faithful across Arabia, the Middle East and North Africa during the 7th Century. The first mosque built in the Far East – that at Xi’an – reportedly dates to the mid-8th Century. A site of prayer, charity and learning, the mosque is the physical heart of Islamic civilization.
