Nano-Warfare is an advance in Call to Power II.
Just as nanotechnology brings unprecedented breakthroughs in industry and science, it also leads to nano-warfare.
The Infector unit can destroy all the Improvements in a city with its Nano-Attack.
The Micro Defense is a city's only protection against such an attack, using nano-technology to combat the deleterious effects of nanite weapons.
Great Library entry[]
As nanotechnology continued to develop in the commercial and industrial world, the military began to seek ways in which nanites could be used for both the propagation, and the prevention, of warfare. In the late 22nd century, military-funded scientists developed nanite carriers for biological agents. Capable of timed-release of viral and bacterial pathogens, these nanite devices could wreak havoc, infecting, disabling or even killing large groups of people. Even more pernicious, cities without proper defense or ability to detect nanites would be powerless to determine the source of the scourge, let alone who was responsible.
The Micro Defense improvement helped solve this problem. Using nanites to monitor the air in and around a city, the micro defense could locate and isolate both biological and nanotechnological weapons and neutralize them. Micro Defense nanites were also specially designed to replicate themselves and evolve to combat new strains of pathogens should they be released. With the evolution of nano-warfare, the battlefield shifted to the sub-microscopic level, bringing new potential for terrorism and destruction.