Civilization Wiki

The Nanopedia is a wonder in Civilization: Call to Power. It doubles the effects of all Specialists.


The Nanopedia doubles the effect of specialists in the entire Civilization.

Great Library entry[]

Combining nanotech, wetware, and distributed personality, the Nanopedia was developed as an educational system designed to educate children. Inexpensive to manufacture and in the form of a simple book, the Nanopedia (consisting of billions of living hive-like nanites) had auditory as well as holographic capabilities and was 100% dynamic - able to respond to any request. The Nanopedia revolutionized education by making a history of knowledge available to children in a single book.


To an extent this exists in real life in the form of Alexa and similar.



Nanopedia Call to Power

Civilization: Call to Power Wonders

The AgencyAI EntityChichen ItzaConfucius AcademyContraceptionDinosaur ParkEast India CompanyThe Eden ProjectEdison's LabEgalitarian ActEmancipation ActESP CenterForbidden CityGaia ControllerGalileo's TelescopeGenome ProjectGlobal E-BankGlobeSatGutenberg's BibleHagia SophiaHollywoodImmunity ChipInternetLabyrinthLondon ExchangeNanite DefuserNanopediaNational ShieldPhilosopher's StoneRamayanaSensoriumSphinxStar LadderStonehengeWormhole Sensor
