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Build the National Park to eliminate all unhealthiness from population in your city. It also provides a free specialist for each Forest Preserve in its city radius and increases the chances that a Great Scientist might appear in your city.

Civilopedia entry[]

While areas of great natural beauty had often been protected or revered in the past, the modern conception of a National Park did not appear until 1872. Yellowstone National Park, located in the western United States, departed from previous nature preserves - which tended to be set aside for nobility - by opening up the land for the enjoyment of the public. After the creation of Yellowstone, National Parks began popping up throughout the world.


  • A city settled on a coal resource with a National Park will still have no access to coal, but other cities connected to it will have access to that coal resource.

See also[]

Civilization IV Wonders and Projects [edit]
World Wonders Angkor Wat Apostolic PalaceB Broadway Chichen Itza Colossus Cristo RedentorB Eiffel Tower Great Library Great Lighthouse Great WallW Hagia Sophia Hanging Gardens Hollywood Kremlin Mausoleum of MaussollosB Notre Dame Oracle Parthenon Pentagon Pyramids Rock 'n' Roll Shwedagon PayaB Sistine Chapel Space Elevator Spiral Minaret Statue of Liberty Statue of ZeusB Stonehenge Taj Mahal Temple of ArtemisW Three Gorges Dam United Nations University of SankoreW Versailles
National Wonders Forbidden Palace Globe Theatre Hermitage Heroic Epic Ironworks Moai StatuesB Mt. Rushmore National Epic National ParkB Oxford University Palace Red Cross Wall Street West Point
Shrines Church of the Nativity Dai Miao Kashi Vishwanath Kong Miao Mahabodhi Masjid Al-Haram Temple of Solomon
Projects Apollo Program SDI SS Casing SS Cockpit SS Docking Bay SS Engine SS Life Support SS Stasis Chamber SS Thrusters The Internet The Manhattan Project
W Added in WarlordsB Added in Beyond the Sword