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Ulrik Svensgaard
Ulrik Svensgaard (SMAC)
Captain of the Nautilus Pirates
Name Ulrik Svensgaard
Rank Captain
Position Unity Astrogator
Country of Origin Gloucester, MA, USA
DOB 03-28-2018
Height 189.2 cm
Weight 94.6 kg

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The Nautilus Pirates are a faction in Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire. Ulrik Svensgaard is the faction's leader.

Faction characteristics[]

  • -1 EFFICIENCY (Individualistic mentality opposed to central organization)
  • -1 GROWTH (Culture does not place high emphasis on family)
  • Free NAVAL YARD with discovery of Doctrine: Initiative: (Skilled shipwrights)
  • Enhancements may be built in ocean and trench squares with the discovery of Advanced Ecological Engineering: (Trained for life at sea)
  • Sea colony pod & sea former prototypes FREE: (Advanced oceanic technology)
  • Bonus mineral from ocean shelf squares: (Culture and technology adapted for the ocean)
  • Marine Detachment ability FREE to all naval combat units upon discovery of Adaptive Doctrine
  • Aggression Erratic
  • Priorities Power (Values)
  • Starting Tech Doctrine: Mobility, Doctrine: Flexibility
  • Agenda Pillage and burn
  • Aversion none

Although Svensgaard has no restrictions on the social-engineering choices available to him, an AI-controlled Svensgaard will take offense at players using the Wealth or Knowledge values choices. This is curiously similar to Santiago's AI behavior.

Leader's defining quote[]

"The sea ... vast, mysterious ... and full of wealth! And the nations of Planet send their trade across it without a thought. Well, the sea doesn't care about them, so it lets them pass. But we can give the sea a little hand in teaching the landlubbers a lesson in humility."

-- Captain Ulrik Svensgaard, "The Ripple and the Wave"

List of bases[]


  1. Deadman Tavern
  2. Landlubber Inn
  3. Buried Treasure
  4. Sunny Oasis
  5. Sailor’s Rest
  6. Freshwater Springs
  7. Marque City
  8. Land Lock
  9. Far Horizons
  10. Crossbone Way
  11. Sailor’s Warning
  12. Red Sky
  13. Roberts’ Dread
  14. Ulrik’s Hideaway
  15. Pirate’s Siege
  16. Grasshome
  17. Drunktown
  18. Merchantman Run
  19. Shanty Town
  20. Penzance
  21. Skull Crossroads
  22. Sailor’s Delight
  23. Plunder Cache
  24. Cannon’s Thunder


  1. Safe Haven
  2. Port Svensgaard
  3. Crow’s Nest
  4. Provision Point
  5. Parrot Landing
  6. Barbary Coast
  7. Capetown
  8. Point Blood
  9. Meergard
  10. Cutlass Cay
  11. Sextant Cove
  12. Privateer Quay
  13. Dry Dock
  14. Frigate Base
  15. Drake Landing
  16. Storm’s Lee
  17. Pennant Shoals
  18. The Anchorage
  19. Lorcha Roads
  20. Skeleton Key
  21. Slave Raid
  22. Violence at Sea
  23. Privateering
  24. Commerce Raiding
  25. Treasure Taken
  26. Gan Ning
  27. Jean Fleury
  28. Buccaneer Base
  29. Edward Teach
  30. Jack Rackham
  31. Henry Morgan
  32. Bartholomew Roberts
  33. Hendrick Lucifer
  34. Jean Lafitte
  35. Roberto Cofresi
  36. Boysie Singh
  37. Zheng Qi
  38. Orang Laut
  39. Moro Raiders
  40. Viking Age
  41. Zaporizhian Sich
  42. Zaporozhian Cossacks
  43. Don Cossacks
  44. Stenka Razin
  45. Pier Gerlofs Donia
  46. Wijerd Jelckama
  47. Fraxinet Moors
  48. Narentine Raiders
  49. Slavic Piracy
  50. Victual Brothers
  51. William Maurice
  52. Novgorodian Ushkuiniks
  53. Maniots
  54. Barbary Corsairs
  55. Hayreddin
  56. Oruç Reis
  57. Turgut Reis Dragut
  58. Koca Murat Reis
  59. Jan Janszoon
  60. John Ward
  61. Samuel Mason
  62. Bully Wilson
  63. Harpe Brothers
  64. Peter Alston
  65. Wiley Harpe
  66. Jonathan Brown
  67. Colonel Plug
  68. James Ford
  69. John A. Murrell
  70. Dan Seavey
  71. Kanhoji Angre
  72. Jolly Roger
  73. Buried Treasure
  74. Plank Walk
  75. Captain Kidd
  76. Pieces of Eight
  77. Treasure Map
  78. Thomas Tew
  79. Charles Vane
  80. William Fly
  81. Jack Rackham


External links[]

Alpha Centauri Factions
Cult of PlanetXCybernetic ConsciousnessXData AngelsXFiraxiansXFree DronesXGaia's StepdaughtersHuman HiveLord's BelieversManifold CaretakersXManifold UsurpersXMorgan IndustriesNautilus PiratesXPeacekeeping ForcesSpartan FederationUniversity of Planet
X Added in Alien Crossfire