The Nilometer is an early infrastructure building from the Gifts of the Nile scenario in Civilization VI. It can be built in the City Center.
- Effects:
- +2 Science
- +1 Food and Production on all Floodplains tiles
- Restrictions:
- City must be adjacent to a Nile River tile.
The Nilometer allows Egypt and Nubia to build large, productive cities along the banks of the Nile River. The Science bonus is nice, and the extra Food and Production from nearby Floodplains make this terrain much more desirable to a city with a Nilometer.
Civilopedia entry[]
The people of the Nile Valley depended upon its annual floods (or “inundations”) for their very survival. The ingenious nilometers measured the height of the floodwaters: too high, and people could expect dangerous floods. Too low, and they would see famine. Anything between those marks indicated a relatively prosperous season.
See also[]
- Nilometer in other games