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Game Info[]

Advanced power plant. Requires a Factory; city must not contain a Solar Plant.


The Nuclear Plant is a top-level Production Production-boosting building, providing a whopping increase in productivity necessary for constructing all those late-game units and buildings. However, it takes 1 Uranium Uranium to work, reducing the amount available for nukes and Giant Death Robots. Militaristic empires should be careful not to construct too many Nuclear Plants, lest they run out of Uranium Uranium for their army.

A Nuclear Plant can't coexist with the ecology-oriented Solar Plant.

Civilopedia entry[]

A nuclear plant is a building where controlled nuclear energy is converted into power. Energy from nuclear fission is used to heat water into steam. The steam is pumped through turbines which generate electricity. On a day-to-day basis, nuclear power is far cleaner than oil or gas or coal, producing far less pollution to foul the air and water and people nearby. The plant does however produce chunks of nuclear waste, a remarkably lethal by-product which must be stored for centuries before it loses its toxicity. In addition, a major accident at a nuclear plant would have far nastier and longer-lasting effects than at another kind of power generating plant. Finding enough energy to keep the planet in business is a difficult and dangerous problem that humanity will be facing for some time to come, until and unless a plentiful, clean and safe new energy source is discovered.

See also[]

Civilization V Buildings [edit]
Airport BNW-onlyAmphitheater GodsKings5 clearAqueductArmoryArsenalBank (Hanse BNW-onlySatrap's Court) • Barracks (Ikanda BNW-onlyKrepost) • Bomb Shelter GodsKings5 clearBroadcast TowerCaravansary BNW-onlyCastle (Mughal Fort) • Cathedral GodsKings5 clearCircusColosseumConstabulary GodsKings5 clearCourthouseFactoryForgeGarden (Candi BNW-only) • GranaryHarborHospitalHotel BNW-onlyHydro PlantLibrary (Paper MakerRoyal Library BNW-only) • LighthouseMarket (Bazaar) • Medical LabMilitary AcademyMilitary BaseMintMonastery GodsKings5 clearMonument (Stele GodsKings5 clear) • Mosque GodsKings5 clearMuseumNuclear PlantObservatoryOpera House (Ceilidh Hall GodsKings5 clear) • Pagoda GodsKings5 clearPolice Station GodsKings5 clearPublic SchoolRecycling Center GodsKings5 clearResearch LabSeaportShrine GodsKings5 clear (Pyramid GodsKings5 clear) • Solar PlantSpaceship FactoryStable (Ducal Stable BNW-only) • StadiumStock ExchangeStone WorksSupermarket2Temple (Burial TombMud Pyramid Mosque) • TheatreUniversity (Wat) • Walls (Walls of Babylon1) • Water Mill (Floating Gardens) • Windmill (Coffee House GodsKings5 clear) • Workshop (Longhouse) • Zoo BNW-only
1 Requires a DLC2 Сut from the game
GodsKings5 clear Added in the Gods & Kings expansion pack.
BNW-only Added in the Brave New World expansion pack.