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Nuclear Submarines are faster than normal submarines and have the ability to carry a Tactical Nuke on board. They can launch these from the sea.

A coastal city needs uranium in its Strategic Resource box to build a Nuclear Submarine.

Civilopedia entry[]

Nuclear submarines are sea vehicles that are capable of remaining underwater for months at a time. This was possible because of the transition into nuclear, rather than diesel, generators. Typically equipped with both nuclear and anti-submarine missiles, they presented a new threat to those nations engaging in nuclear deterrence. Since these mobile, virtually invisible ships could close to within a few dozen miles of a target, the reaction time to a nuclear attack could be reduced to minutes. Any nation who relied solely on land based missile launch systems stood a very good chance of being crippled before any opportunity to retaliate. This imbalance was righted however, as all announced nuclear powers soon had their own fleet of nuclear attack submarines. The difficulty in detection of nuclear submarines means that only other nuclear submarines had a viable chance at stopping one.

Civilization III Units [edit]
Land Ancient CavalryCArcher (BowmanJavelin ThrowerC) • ArmyArtilleryCannon (HwachaP) • CatapultCavalry (CossackHussarC2SipahiP) • Chariot (Three-Man ChariotCWar Chariot) • Cruise MissileCrusaderCExplorer (ConquistadorP) • FlakCGuerillaPHorseman (Mounted Warrior) • ICBMInfantryKnight (Ansar WarriorPKeshikPRiderSamuraiWar Elephant) • LeaderLongbowman (BerserkP) • MarineMech InfantryMedieval InfantryPMobile SAMCModern ArmorModern ParatrooperMusketman (Musketeer) • ParatrooperCPikeman (Swiss MercenaryC) • PrincessP1Radar ArtilleryRiflemanScout (Chasqui ScoutC) • SettlerSpearman (HopliteImpiNumidian MercenaryP) • Swordsman (Gallic SwordsmanPImmortalsLegionary) • Tactical NukeTank (Panzer) • TOW InfantryCTrebuchetCWarrior (Enkidu WarriorCJaguar Warrior) • Worker
Sea AEGIS CruiserBattleshipCaravel (CarrackC) • CarrierCruiserCCurraghCDestroyerFrigate (Man-O-War) • GalleonGalley (DromonC) • IroncladNuclear SubmarinePrivateerSubmarineTransport
Air BomberFighterHelicopterJet Fighter (F-15) • Stealth BomberStealth Fighter
KingP1 AbuP1AlexanderP1BismarckP1BrennusP1CaesarP1CatherineP1Charles VC12CleopatraP1ElizabethP1GandhiP1GilgameshC1HammurabiP1HannibalP1HenryC1HiawathaP1IsabellaP1Joan d'ArcP1LincolnP1MaoP1MontezumaP1MursilisC1OsmanP1PachacutiC1RagnarP1ShakaP1Smoke-JaguarC1TemujinP1TheodoraC1TokugawaP1Wang KonP1William of OrangeC1XerxesP1
P Added in the Play the World expansion pack • C Added in the Conquests expansion pack • 1 Game mode only • 2 Сut from the game