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An Oasis is a terrain feature in Civilization VI. It is found on flat inland Desert tiles.


Oases are a handy terrain feature in the desert, ensuring both Food Food and fresh water even in the absence of Floodplains. (Oases are usually found far from Rivers.) Founding a city near one presents a good alternative to founding it near a River. Note, however, that the Oasis is in fact a type of a mini-lake, so you cannot place anything - District Districts, wonders, or tile improvements - on it. On the other hand, its shallow waters don't even hinder normal movement (unlike most other terrain features).

Since an Oasis is quite literally in the middle of the desert, you will have to think carefully about whether or not it's worth it to found a city near one. Unless there are Hills, resources, Rivers, or other types of terrain nearby, a city there will have no way to sustain itself or produce anything! However, if you manage to construct Petra, all of the city's Desert tiles will turn into fertile and productive land. The Oasis tile itself will also benefit from the effects of Petra, making it extremely productive.

Even though Oases are a source of fresh water, City Parks built adjacent to them don't give +1 Amenity Amenity like those built adjacent to Rivers, Lakes, and Coasts.

Civilopedia entry[]

The stuff of legends, and vital for those wandering about the desert, oases sit atop a source of clean and plentiful water. Tales have been told of these wonderful outposts in an otherwise barren and lifeless land ... and battles fought to control them.


See also[]

Civilization VI Terrains [edit]
Base CoastDesertDesert (Hills)GrasslandGrassland (Hills)HillsLakeMountainsNile River3OceanPlainsPlains (Hills)SnowSnow (Hills)TundraTundra (Hills)
Features Cataract3CliffsFloodplainsDesert FloodplainsGrassland FloodplainsPlains FloodplainsGeothermal Fissure GS-OnlyIceImpact Zone1 2MarshOasisRainforestBurning Rainforest1Burnt Rainforest1Reef R&F-OnlyRiverVolcanic Soil GS-OnlyVolcano GS-OnlyWoodsBurning Woods1Burnt Woods1
Other Barbarian OutpostMeteor Site1Tribal Village
See also ImprovementNatural WonderResource
1 Requires DLC2 Apocalypse mode only • 3 Specific Scenarios only
R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.