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Oracle (Civ2) The Oracle is a wonder in Civilization II.

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Civilopedia entry[]

In ancient Greek religion, an oracle was a priest or priestess through whom the gods spoke in response to questions. The oracle interpreted dreams, the actions of entranced persons, and physical signs found in the entrails of sacrificed animals. The most famous oracle resided in the shrine of Apollo at Delphi, located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. This oracle was consulted for centuries by Greeks, Romans, and others about public policy and private matters. A priestess called the Pythia would, for a fee, make public predictions for the future. These ecstatic pronouncements became famous for their ambiguity.



Civilization II Wonder - The Oracle

Video which plays upon the construction of this wonder

See also[]

Civilization II Wonders [edit]
Ancient World
Industrial Revolution
Modern World