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Pan-Asian Cooperative (PAC)
Pan-Asian Cooperative (CivBE)
Pan-Asian Cooperative
Leader Daoming Sochua
Capital Tiangong

+10% Production Production towards Wonders
+25% Worker speed

The Pan-Asian Cooperative (or PAC) is a civilization in the world of Beyond Earth.

The PAC is a production-oriented faction. They focus on Wonder Production and fast worker improvements. They are lead by Daoming Sochua.

Civilopedia entry

Time of Tears

By the time of the Great Mistake, China was one of the world’s two acknowledged superpowers. However, China took perhaps the hardest hit of any nation from the events of the Great Mistake, and the region had to recover from ethnic strife, separatism, and a breakdown of social order. Central Asia was swept up by the chaos as other nations in the region faced outbreaks of violence; surrounding powers such as India and Russia mobilized their forces in fear that the conflict would embroil their populations. The Asian continent entered a period of unprecedented tension and fear as each nation sought to calm their own lands while keeping wary eyes on their neighbors.

Foreign Aid

The world struggled to help the crisis in Asia. Peacekeeping forces under a variety of mandates did what they could to secure the population. Non-governmental organizations did what they could to provide immediate care to the refugees, but the unprecedented human displacement and the grim situations at home seriously limited the help they could provide. With limited help from the rest of the world, the governments of Asia were forced to confront many deep-seated issues in their struggle to restore civil society.

The Cooperative Rises

Though it took many years of herculean diplomatic efforts, eventually the armed uprisings calmed and the Chinese and Central Asian governments were able to demilitarize. Freed from the burden of quelling domestic unrest, China turned its attention to reconciliation and recovery. A common currency for the region helped create an economic superbloc, and the new infusions of capital spurred renewed investment in industry, research, and development. The Pan-Asian Cooperative emerged as a powerhouse of high-tech design and manufacturing, centered in its gargantuan coastal cities.

Great Progress

Because the PAC experienced the brunt of the Great Mistake, it has used its recovery as a testbed for many technologies and practices that proved advantageous during the Seeding. "The War Against the Gobi" helped stop the desertification of the arable country. "New City Seoul" became the standard for high-efficiency urban living with high quality of life, and the "Great Heavenly Leap" demonstrated that a space program could be mass-produced.

To the Stars

Over the years following the Great Mistake, PAC invested heavily in civil infrastructure, resource extraction, and heavy industry. Surviving corporations were given new, expansive charters and vast reaches of the Asian interior were opened up to development. In the cities, the academic establishment focused their best efforts and talents on applied sciences and trade skills, and within a generation PAC students were throwing back the boundaries of theoretical physics, chemical engineering, computer science and advanced fabrication. Given its material advantages and the pressure from a large population with limited land, PAC took a leading role in the colonization effort, building a space station under the auspices of its Manned Space Engineering Office that would serve as the prototype for the first orbital colony ship spacedocks. Just one decade later, a Chinese crew made the first manned landing on Mars, following mapping by the Yinghou satellite network. Although given urgency by the discovery of the Inflection Point, the establishment of viable and self-sufficient settlements on alien worlds had always been a goal of the PAC Space Agency. In the years following, multiple PAC missions scattered in various directions into the galaxy, with as yet unknown results.

Pan-Asian Strategies

This section requires expansion.

List of Cities

  • Tiangong (capital)
    • Chinese: 天宫 (tiāngōng), "Heavenly Place"
  • Quyen
    • Vietnamese: quyền, "Authority/Power"
  • Nhiet Tinh
    • Vietnamese: nhiệt tình, "Enthusiastic/Zealous"
  • Ganzorig
    • Mongolian: ганзориг (ganzorig), "Steel Courage"
    • Maidarjavyn Ganzorig is a Mongolian scientist who participated in the Soviet Interkosmos space program.
  • Huanle
    • Chinese: 欢乐 (huānlè), "Joy/Pleasure"
  • Gong Ren
    • Chinese: 工人 (gōngrén), "Workers"
  • Thanh
    • Vietnamese: thành, "Citadel" or thánh, "Holy/Sacred"
  • Kuijia
    • Chinese: 盔甲 (kuījiǎ), "Armor"
  • Huihuang
    • Chinese: 辉煌 (huīhuáng), "Brilliant/Glorious"
  • Sinjeon
    • Korean: 신전 (sinjeon), "Shrine/Temple"
  • Renxing
    • Chinese: 人性 (rénxìng), "Humanity" or 韧性 (rènxìng) "Toughness/Tenacity"
  • Qi Chui
    • Chinese: 气锤 (qì chuí), "Pneumatic Drill"
  • Gaosi
    • Chinese: 高思 (gāo sī), "Gauss", literally "Tall/High Mind"
    • Carl Friedrich Gauss was a German mathematician. The unit of measure of a magnetic field's power is named after him.
  • Adislal
    • Mongolian: адислал (adislal), "Blessing"
  • Xindalu
    • Chinese: 新大陆 (xīndàlù), "New World"
  • Troi
    • Vietnamese: trời, "Heaven"
  • Phao Dai
    • Vietnamese: pháo đại, "Fortress/Bastion"
  • Tenger Bambai
    • Mongolian: тэнгэр бамбай (tenger bambai), "Sky/Heaven Shield"
  • Hyugeso
    • Korean: 휴게소 (hyugeso), "Resting Place"