Civilization Wiki

The Philosopher's Stone is a wonder in Civilization: Call to Power. It creates embassies in all other civilizations and becomes obsolete at the Age of Reason.


The Philosopher's Stone lures ambassadors from all empires with the Stone's promise of unlimited wealth and power. Although the Stone remains a myth, the myth holds such allure that no empire can escape it. This Wonder gives the Civilization an Embassy in all foreign Capitols.

Great Library entry[]

Alchemy is a 17th century science whose main objective is to discover a substance that reputedly could transmute base metals into gold. Called the Philosopher's Stone, this elusive substance was the subject of legend and dispute. Many scholars have attempted in vain to create this famous material, however, Nicolas Flamel, a French alchemist claimed to have successfully accomplished it. He lavished money on charities during his life and died a wealthy man, adding credence to his singular claim.



Philosopher's Stone Call to Power

Civilization: Call to Power Wonders

The AgencyAI EntityChichen ItzaConfucius AcademyContraceptionDinosaur ParkEast India CompanyThe Eden ProjectEdison's LabEgalitarian ActEmancipation ActESP CenterForbidden CityGaia ControllerGalileo's TelescopeGenome ProjectGlobal E-BankGlobeSatGutenberg's BibleHagia SophiaHollywoodImmunity ChipInternetLabyrinthLondon ExchangeNanite DefuserNanopediaNational ShieldPhilosopher's StoneRamayanaSensoriumSphinxStar LadderStonehengeWormhole Sensor
