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Renaissance Social advance (Civ2) Philosophy is an Advance in Civilization II. The first Civiilization to discover Philosophy will enter a "Golden Age" and receive a free advance.

Civilopedia entry[]

The term philosophy comes from a Greek term meaning "love of wisdom." In ancient Greece, literacy and an interest in the natural world were common in a burgeoning upper class. In their leisure time, these people contemplated principles of thinking and being, logic and mathematics, and the natures of reality and existence. In ancient times, the study of philosophy was indistinguishable from the study of science, and many of the theories formulated by the early philosophers became the basis for studies in the fields of astronomy, medicine, chemistry, and physics. The teachings and writings of the ancient philosophers of Greece and the Orient also, in part, laid the groundwork for many of the world's oldest organized religions.

Tech Tree[]

Tech Tree Philosophy (Civ2)
Advances in Civilization II [edit]
Era Type Advances
Ancient Ancient Military advance (Civ2)
Ancient Economic advance (Civ2)
Ancient Social advance (Civ2)
Ancient Academic advance (Civ2)
Ancient Applied advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Renaissance Military advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Economic advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Social advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Academic advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Applied advance (Civ2)
Industrial Industrial Revolution Military advance (Civ2)
Industrial Revolution Economic advance (Civ2)
Industrial Revolution Social advance (Civ2)
Industrial Revolution Academic advance (Civ2)
Industrial Revolution Applied advance (Civ2)
Modern Modern Military advance (Civ2)
Modern Economic advance (Civ2)
Modern Social advance (Civ2)
Modern Academic advance (Civ2)
Modern Applied advance (Civ2)
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