Civilization Wiki

Phoenician cities are cities that can be founded by the Phoenician civilization in the Mesopotamia scenario in Civilization III: Conquests. The first city founded is the capital, and the names of future cities are chosen in the order they appear on the list below.

The names listed are default names; players can change their cities' names if they choose.

List of cities[]

Founding Order City Name Notes
1 Tyre
2 Sidon
3 Ugarit
4 Berytus
5 Byblos
6 Arvad
7 Acco
8 Kition
9 Carthage
10 Utica
11 Malaca
12 Caralis
13 Panormus
14 Leptis Parva
15 Cartenna
16 Rusicade
17 Gades
18 Rusucurru
19 Girba
20 Leptis Magna
21 Carthago Nova
22 Oea
23 Tingis
24 Rusaddir
25 Alalia
26 Selinus
27 Himera
28 Akragas
29 Theveste
30 Saguntum
31 Carteia
32 Mainake
33 Sexi
34 Abdera
35 Lixus
36 Hippo Regius
37 Hadrumentum
38 Sabrata
39 Soleis
40 Motya
41 Tharros
42 Sulcis
43 Nora
44 Mago
45 Palma
46 Ebusus
47 Kinyps
48 Melite
49 Lilybaeum
50 Lucentum
51 Meninx
52 Acholla
53 Thapsos
54 Kossyra
55 Gaulos
56 Diarrhytos
57 Igilgilis
58 Kartaia
59 Kasios
60 Karmel

See also[]
