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Plains is a type of base terrain in Civilization V.

Game Info[]

Base terrain, found in the central parts of the world.


Plains tiles enable cities to produce buildings and units more quickly now, but also as their 20xPopulation5 Population grows. They can also contain a wide variety of strategic and luxury resources. Note that the natural feature of a Forest has the same original yield, but Plains favor Farms, a growth-enhancing improvement, while Forests count as rough terrain for combat and favor the Lumber Mill for Production Production. If there is a Plains-Forest combination, it is the player's choice as to which yields are more important – although militaristic civilizations will prefer the Forest above to the Plains below.

Civilopedia entry[]

Plains provide a mix of food and production to a nearby city. A city surrounded by plains will grow more slowly than one in grassland, but it will be far more productive.

See also[]

Civilization V Terrains [edit]
Base Coast Desert Grassland Hill Mountain Ocean Plains Snow Tundra
Features Atoll Fallout Flood Plains Forest Ice Jungle Lakes Marsh Oasis Rivers
Other Ancient RuinsEncampment
See also ImprovementNatural wonderResource