The Ranger is an Industrial Era recon unit in Civilization VI. It upgrades from the Scout (or its replacements).
In the Rise and Fall expansion, the Ranger can upgrade to a Spec Ops. In the Gathering Storm expansion, it primarily upgrades from the Skirmisher.
- Attributes:
- Has a ranged attack with Range 1.
- -17 Ranged Strength against District defenses and naval units.
- Gains XP when activating Tribal Villages (+5 XP) and discovering natural wonders (+10 XP), besides the normal gains from combat.
The Ranger is an Industrial recon unit, which pretty much sums up how useful this unit can be: you shouldn't need to do much scouting at this point in the game, and if you do, a Scout should still be able to handle it. Combat-wise, it has the same Ranged Strength as the Field Cannon that also becomes available in this era, but its Production cost is higher and its lower Range and Combat Strength make it inferior on both offense and defense. Under the vanilla ruleset, chances are good that you'll ignore the Ranger unless you're swimming in Gold and have nothing better to spend it on than upgrading your Scouts.
With the introduction of Spec Ops in Rise and Fall, the Ranger can actually serve as an XP stepping stone for the top-tier recon unit, which is pretty decent in combat thanks to its outstanding maneuverability.
Rangers are incorrectly affected by modifiers that affect ranged units, such as the Coursers Promotion. However, this also allows them to be used with Ambiorix's leader ability.
Civilopedia entry[]
“Ranger” has a lot of meanings: a person who roves or ranges; one of a body of armed guards who patrol a region; a soldier trained in commando tactics to make surprise attacks. These days, the common perception of a ranger encompasses all of this. The military use of rangers traces back to the frontier wars between North American colonists and the indigenous natives, who were adept at “irregular” warfare in the trackless forests and swamps. Colonel Benjamin Church, commissioned by the Governor of Plymouth Colony to harry the savages during King Philip's War in 1676, raised a body that was to use the enemy’s own tactics. By the time of the American Revolution, there were several Ranger companies in action against the British, who complained mightily about the methods these colonials used – ambushes, raids, demolitions, sniping, and the like. According to the 'U.S. Army Ranger Handbook,' not much has changed since.
See also[]
- Ranger in other games