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The Reinforced Barricade is a special tile improvement in Civilization VI. It is exclusive to the Zombie Defense game mode, introduced in the Portugal Pack. It can be built by a Military Engineer on any tile inside your own or neutral territory.

  • Effects:


The Reinforced Barricade is one of the two late-game defenses used in the Zombie Defense game mode. In contrast with the Modernized Trap, which does significant damage in a single tile and slows down units, the Reinforced Barricade deals moderate damage on one tile and slows down units.

Unlike the Barricade on which it improves, the Reinforced Barricade is built by a Military Engineer, making it generally more expensive to create. Its damage output is still fairly low, but is not dependent on the Strength Combat Strength of the enemy unit. This makes this weapon much more useful against enemies with very high strength, such as Zombies with a high Mutation Strength Modifier. Three Reinforced Barricades guarding the same tile can remove almost half of a unit's HP in a single turn. Unfortunately, by the time this is available, there will be few tiles left to place this. It can be useful in large cities that contain territory outside of the workable zone, but even then this places it far from the tiles that need protecting the most.

Civilopedia entry[]

The walking dead do not tire. This is their one great advantage – like a sea, they constantly push against defenses erected to stop them. Eventually, walls of wood and bamboo splinter, and even fieldstone walls crumble. Here, modern materials – reinforced concrete, steel – come in. Just as the Renaissance-era star fort, with its angled walls, was designed to deflect and not absorb the impact of cannon fire, modern defenses emphasize deflecting the walking dead, instead of simply stopping them. Flexible materials bend but do not break, as the dead push on them relentlessly. Smooth surfaces give no handhold to bony fingers, and sluice gates allow ditches and moats to be flushed out, preventing the corpse-pile ramps that could overcome older forms of zombie defense. We should be safe behind these. We should be.


Related achievements[]

It's a Trap!!!
It's a Trap!!!
Deal 50 or more damage to a single unit from trap damage on a single tile in one turn.
A reference to Admiral Ackbar's exclamation in Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi.

See also[]

Civilization VI Improvements [edit]
Standard AirstripCampFarmFishing BoatsFortGeothermal Plant GS-OnlyLumber MillMineMissile SiloMountain Tunnel GS-OnlyNational ParkOffshore Oil RigOffshore Wind Farm GS-OnlyOil WellPasturePlantationQuarryRailroad GS-OnlySeaside ResortSeastead GS-OnlySki Resort GS-OnlySolar Farm GS-OnlyWind Farm GS-Only
Unique ChâteauChemamull R&F-OnlyFeitoria1Golf Course R&F-OnlyGreat WallHacienda1Ice Hockey Rink GS-OnlyKampung1KurganMekewap R&F-OnlyMissionNubian Pyramid1Open-Air Museum GS-OnlyOutback Station1 GS-OnlyPairidaeza1Polder R&F-OnlyQhapaq Ñan GS-OnlyRock-Hewn Church1Roman FortSphinxStepwellTerrace Farm GS-OnlyZiggurat
City-state Alcázar1Batey1Cahokia Mounds GS-OnlyColossal HeadsMahavihara1Moai GS-OnlyMonastery1Nazca Line GS-OnlyTrading Dome1
Governor R&F-Only City Park R&F-OnlyFishery R&F-Only
Modes only Barricade4Corporation3Industry3Modernized Trap4Reinforced Barricade4Trap4Vampire Castle2
1 Requires DLC2 Secret Societies mode only • 3 Monopolies and Corporations mode only • 4 Zombie Defense mode only
R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.